AddToCart is a simple React app that allows you to add items to a shopping cart with the following functions.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
🚀 live project URL:
The app utilized lifting the state pattern by passing props through components (A.K.A prop drilling) and also re-used components.
- lets you select the list of items to add to the cart
- lets you select the quantity of each item to add to the cart by two options:
- adjusting the range slider will increment/decrement the number of products quantity
- typing a value into the input box also updates the number of products quantity: this automatically sums the amount for the user to see before adding the product to the cart.
- and finally, the user can add the product to the cart.
The app also tabulates the total amount of products in the cart, showing:
- product name
- product quantity
- product price
Users can also remove individual items from the cart.
The shopping cart is designed to only hold a maximum of 10 products, you get to see the product limit decrements/decrement each time a new item is added or removed from the cart.
The app also shows a progress bar, indicating the progress limit reached by colour, and value in percentage.
The app lets you clear the entire shopping cart without reloading the page.
and finally, click the buy button to show a success message in a modal window with the option to close the window.
created a custom hook, useDebounce so that the sum for a product does not recalculate immediately after the quantity changes by the range slider.
used react's memoization hooks such as seMemo hook to mitigate excessive component re-renders.
- React
- Reactstrap
- Typescript
- Font-awesome
┣ components
┃ ┣ Buy.tsx
┃ ┣ BuySuccess.tsx
┃ ┣ CartProgressBar.tsx
┃ ┣ CartTable.tsx
┃ ┣ ClearCart.tsx
┃ ┣ Header.tsx
┃ ┣ ItemsInCart.tsx
┃ ┣ ListProducts.tsx
┃ ┗ TotalPriceOfItems.tsx
┣ css
┃ ┣ buy.styles.css
┃ ┣ cart.styles.css
┃ ┣ clear-cart.styles.css
┃ ┣ productlist.styles.css
┃ ┗ progressbar.styles.css
┣ data
┃ ┗ products.json
┣ helpers
┃ ┣ AddToCart.tsx
┃ ┣ Input.tsx
┃ ┣ SelectProduct.tsx
┃ ┣ Table.tsx
┃ ┗ TableItems.tsx
┣ interfaces
┃ ┣ cart.ts
┃ ┣ productItem.ts
┃ ┗ products.ts
┣ utils
┃ ┗ useDebounce.ts
┣ App.css
┣ App.test.tsx
┣ App.tsx
┣ index.css
┣ index.tsx
┣ react-app-env.d.ts
┗ setupTests.ts
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