⚠️ Warning: This is pre-pre alpha software. It's not even ready for testing.
ReefNG is a provider-agnostic solution that allows supporting complex interactions with messaging providers in an unified way. Borrowing concepts from Entity Component System and Actor Model, ReefNG allows to maintain a simple and consistent interface for interacting with messaging providers, while allowing to use the full power of the underlying provider.
Rails <|--|> Temporal
Temporal <|--|> ProviderWorkers
class Rails {
class Temporal {
class ProviderWorkers {
User->>Discord: Generate me a poster of three kittens howling at the moon?
User-->>NexusServer: POST /discord/generate/image
NexusServer-->>SystemWorker: Run GenerateImageWorkflow
SystemWorker-->>AIWorker: Run GenerateImageActivity
AIWorker-->>SystemWorker: return image
SystemWorker-->>NexusServer: return image
NexusServer-->>DiscordWorker: Run SendDiscordMessageWorkflow
DiscordWorker-->>Discord: Run SendDiscordMessageActivity
Discord->>User: Here's your poster!