Allovisor is the "user interface" into the Alloverse. Use this Lovr app to connect to an Alloverse Place' and interact with the apps available in that place.
We first tried to build the Alloverse visor in Unity, but have decided to switch to Lovr because it's easier and faster to develop with, and easier to extend with low level functionality.
For all platforms:
- You must have Git LFS installed to fetch assets
- If LFS doesn't fetch assets for you automatically after cloning, do
git lfs install
followed bygit lfs pull
- You must also fetch submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Install CMake 3.18.4 or newer
mkdir build && cd build && cmake -GXcode ..
to prepare to buildopen allovisor.xcodeproj
- Build and run the Alloverse target
When running from xcode the lua code will hot reload when any file in the lua folder is saved. This can be disabled from the scheme run arguments.
If you're using Xcode 12.2 or newer, for now you'll have to opt into the old
build system. Change cmake -GXcode ..
to cmake -Tbuildsystem=1 -GXcode ..
- Install CMake 3.13.0 or newer
sudo apt install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
to prepare to build- In build,
make Alloverse
- Run with
./bin/Alloverse ../deps/lodr/ ../lua/
If you're using Make on a Mac: You could now just double-click,
but then you'd need to recompile for each change. Instead, you can start it from
the command line together with lodr to auto-reload whenever you change
any lua source file. From build
: ./ ../deps/lodr ../lua
- Install Git from, and use the "Use Git and optional Unix tools from the Command Prompt" option. The build environment for Alloverse uses some bash scripts, and bash must be in PATH.
- Install Visual Studio 2019, including "C++ CMake tools for Windows" which comes with "Desktop development with C++".
- Open the project folder in VS2019
- In the Solution Explorer, right-click CMakeLists.txt and select "Generate CMake cache for allovisor"
- Build and run the Alloverse.exe target
If you run Alloverse from Visual Studio, it won't find the lua sources since they're expected to be in a folder adjacent to the exe. To solve this:
Either cd to out/build/x64-debug
and Alloverse.exe ../../../deps/lodr ../../../lua
, or set it up
in Visual Studio by right-clicking the target and changing "Debug and Launch settings" and adding
absolute paths to lodr and lua that work on your computer to the ALloverse target, something like this:
"type": "default",
"project": "CMakeLists.txt",
"projectTarget": "Alloverse.exe",
"name": "Alloverse.exe",
"args": [
Clone this repo, and in your working compy...
- Install Git LFS
sudo apt update; sudo apt install libpulse-dev cmake git git-lfs build-essential xorg-dev libglfw3-dev libluajit-5.1-dev libphysfs-dev libopenal-dev libode-dev libccd-dev libenet-dev llvm clang
or something like thatmkdir build; cd build; cmake ..
make Alloverse && ./bin/Alloverse ../deps/lodr ../lua
Random things:
- Here's my standard invocation, from build/:
make Alloverse; and ~/.steam/steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/ gdb --args ./Alloverse ../deps/lodr ../lua
- steam's libode is going to override lovr's, smashing the stack. Either use LOVR_SYSTEM_ODE, or set ODE_BUILD_SHARED to OFF to make it link statically
This only works from a Mac or Linux machine.
- Install CMake version 3.15.4 exactly. (2.19.2 also works)
- Install Android Studio if you haven't already.
- Open the Android Studio's SDK manager and make sure the following is installed:
- "Android 10.0" (API level 29), for targeting Oculus Quest.
- "Android 8.1" (API level 27), for targeting Pico.
- "NDK (side-by-side)", from the SDK-Tools tab.
- Enable developer mode on your Quest.
- Add the android tools to your PATH
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/$USER/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
- Quest has old OS and needs an old java version. Java SE 8 is compatible. On mac you can install it with
brew install openjdk@8
. Follow link instructions at end of install. - Set your JAVA_HOME to the SE 8 installation
export JAVA_HOME=your_path_to_java8
- Connect it to your computer, and ensure it shows up when you run
adb devices
in your terminal. - Configure to build the Alloverse.apk:
mkdir quest-build; cd quest-build;
and then comes the cmake invocation. It is INVOLVED. Look atazure-pipelines.yml
under Quest or Pico to find all the-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=
and other tomfoolery. Note that you'll also have to set up signing keys and stuff. - Actually build it:
make Alloverse
- Upload to headset:
adb install alloverse-quest.apk
Sample CMake invocation for Quest on Linux:
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$ANDROID_HOME/ndk/21.3.6528147/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_ABI="arm64-v8a" -DANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL=26 -DANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION="30.0.4" -DANDROID_SDK=$ANDROID_HOME -DANDROID_KEYSTORE=/path_to/alloverse.keystore -DANDROID_KEYSTORE_PASS="pass:123456" -DJAVA_HOME="$JAVA_HOME" -DANDROID_VARIANT="quest" ..
- You need to match the ndk version with whatever you have locally
- Same for build tools
- same for JAVA_HOME
If you're setting up on Linux for the first time, you should also add java and adb to your path:
set -Ua fish_user_paths /home/nevyn/Android/Sdk/platform-tools
set -Ua fish_user_paths /snap/android-studio/94/android-studio/jre/bin/
If you are iterating on the native code parts, you can re-build and upload the api with this handy one-liner
from the build
cmake ..; and rm -rf *.apk deps/lovr/libs/arm7-64/ deps/lovr/*.apk; and make Alloverse; and adb uninstall com.alloverse.visor; and adb install alloverse-quest.apk
Note that this command deletes apks on disk (because the cmake integration is iffy and it doesn't know to rebuild unless the apk AND is missing), and deletes from device (because signatures might mismatch).
If you are iterating on the lua code parts, it would be nice to upload just the lua files and lodr could override the bundled sources to give the changes to you immediately, without even having to restart the app on your Quest. If that had worked, you'd sync your source files like so:
adb push --sync lua /sdcard/Android/data/com.alloverse.visor/files/.lodr
... but that's waiting for a card on clubhouse to finish before it's possible.
If you get a build error something about class versions blah blah, you haven't set JAVA_HOME to a valid Android Java version.
- Get console log relating to alloverse:
adb logcat LOVR:V openal:V "*:S"
- Attach gdb doesn't work. If we had a gradle project we could've done:
~/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle/ndk-gdb --project=deps/lovr-android/LovrApp/Projects/Android
Note that builds are available on Azure Pipelines CI and you shouldn't need to make distribution builds from your machine.
After following the normal cmake steps from above,
- On Mac, just
make package
to make a dmg - On Windows,
msbuild PACKAGE.vcproj
to make a NSIS installer - On Quest and Pico, just distribute the apk from the development steps.
LDoc needs LuaFileSystem (via penlight) and the easiest way to get that is to install luarocks and get penlight through that.
For example on OSX with homebrew you run
brew install luarocks && luarocks install penlight
lua deps/ldoc/ldoc.lua -f markdown lua/scenes
Append other paths to include as documentation is expanded and file structure is cleaned up.
See the LDoc manual.
- App is started in main.lua; everything is set up from there.
- It uses mcclure's
library to structure the app as a graph of scenes. - It starts with a SceneManager which manages four basic scenes:
- A remote NetworkScene which interacts with the remote AlloPlace we're connected to, if any. If we're not connected, this is just nil.
- A local NetworkScene contained in a NetMenuScene which represents our local UI, mainly the main menu and the overlay menu. This NetworkScene is connected to the local menuscene standalone server.
- Overlay UI for showing controls and other desktop UI, if run on a 2D display
- Stats overlay for debugging
- NetworkScene contains an allonet client, which has a list of all entities. Each entity has a list of components.
- NetworkScene also contains a list of sub-engines, which are responsible for one section
of place interaction each.
- E g,
is responsible for rendering meshes and materials for those entities that need it sound_eng
records and streams the microphone, and plays sound from other users and apps. And so on...
- E g,
- The UI in the NetMenuScene is drawn by real bona-fide
running on their own thread calledmenuapps_main
. These are also connected to the standalone server and have their own complete client-side state each.
When the visor starts, a thread spawns to create a local place server that is used for local UI.
In main.lua:
menuServerThread = lovr.thread.newThread("threads/menuserv_main.lua")
A NetworkScene is then started to connect to this menu server. So, there is NO local UI, all UI is networked, including the menu.
Then, one more thread is spawned, where the menu UI apps can run completely independently from the main thread.
In main.lua:
menuAppsThread = lovr.thread.newThread("threads/menuapps_main.lua")
In this thread, two apps are started. Roughly:
local apps = {
while running do
for _, app in ipairs(apps) do
and avatar_chooser
app are almost completely regular AlloUI apps, except they don't use boot or assist, but are instead managed
by the above thread loop, plus a base class called EmbeddedApp
function EmbeddedApp:_init(appname, port)
self.client = Client(
) = ui.App(self.client) = self:createUI()
function EmbeddedApp:actuate(what){
sender_entity_id =,
receiver_entity_id =,
type = "oneway",
body = {
Since these menu apps run on a separate thread, they can't use most Lovr APIs, and they can't modify variables inside the main thread's runtime. They have two ways of communicating with the main thread: interactions, and Store.
Interactions: A menuapp can self:actuate(...), and that call
will end up in netmenu_scene
. This class will then take care
of the "controller" part of that UI interaction, and set variables,
change settings, connect to a remote server, etc.
Store: Store.singleton:save()
, :load()
and :listen()
are used
to keep a global store of settings and shared variables between
threads. These are used mostly for settings, but also carry some
information between threads without having to use interactions.