Repo for new users to try out different GitHub actions
- Create a GitHub account
- Download the GitHub Desktop App
- On the GitHub website, create a fork of the open-csd/sandbox repo
- In the Desktop app:
- Login to GitHub
- Click on "Clone a Repository from the Internet"
- Select the URL tab
- Specify the username/repository as [your-username]/sandbox
- Specify the local path as the folder on your computer where you want the repo to live
- Click "Clone"
- Go to the sandbox repo on your computer
- In the intros subfolder, copy the file
- Rename the copy of the template file as [last-name].md and open the file
- Note: Files with a .md file extension are Markdown files. Markdown files are simple text files that can include information about formatting. They can be opened with any text editor.
- Edit the file by replacing the name, pronouns, bio, and fun fact placeholders
- Go to the GitHub Desktop app; you will see which files have been changed in the repo
- To commit the changes, write a summary message (e.g., "Create intro file") and then click "Commit to main"
- To push the changes to the cloud, click on "Push origin"
- These changes will now be visible on your fork of the repo on the GitHub website
- Go to the Desktop app:
- Make sure the "Current Repository" is set to "sandbox"
- Click on "Current Branch" and select "New Branch"
- Give the new branch a name, e.g., "edit-figure"
- Click on "Publish branch"
- Go to the sandbox repo on your computer
- From the r-code subfolder, open the r-code.Rproj file in RStudio
- In RStudio:
- Open the createViolinPlot.R file
- Run the code to generate the plot
- Edit the code to change how the plot looks, e.g., change the fill color of the violin, increase the size of the data points, add a title
- Save your changes
- Go to the GitHub Desktop app; you will see which files have been changed in the repo
- To commit the changes, write a summary message (e.g., "Add title to plot") and then click "Commit to edit-figure"
- To push the changes to the cloud, click on "Push origin"
- Once you are happy with your changes, you can request for your changes to be merged back into the "main" branch of your repo or the open-csd repo
- In the GitHub Desktop app:
- Click on "Branch" in the top menu and select "Create Pull Request"
- The pull request form will launch in the browser, where you can review your changes, write a summary, and request someone to review your changes
- Click on "Branch" in the top menu and select "Create Pull Request"
- In the browser:
- Fill in the details and click "Create pull request"
- If you wish to merge your changes back into the open-csd repo, request elainekearney or micah-hirsch to reivew your request; this will send an email to the reviewer, who will check the changes and then approve them or suggest additional edits
- Once approved, merge the changes and delete the "edit-figure" branch
- Fill in the details and click "Create pull request"
- In the GitHub Desktop app: