Install-Module -Name Invoke-EggJob
<# .SYNOPSIS Launches the specified amounts of jobs, divides tasks evenly between them and runs them concurrently.
.DESCRIPTION Specify the amount of jobs, a variable or command to gather records and a scriptblock to run. Additional features include error log path, and reordering of records. If your scriptblock will output a file append $x to the file name. Optional Throttling of threads per job. Output is stored in the variable $global:myJobData Example: $global:myJobData | export-csv c:\temp\myData.csv, or $global:myJobData | outfile-csv c:\temp\myData.txt
.PARAMETER jobs Mandatory. Specify the amount of jobs that will be started. The $x variable refers to the job number while running.
.PARAMETER int_records Mandatory. Provide an array of records, such as $items, or $items[0..2500]
.PARAMETER exp_records Optional. Provide an expression that results in an array of records. Use this instead on Int_Records.
.PARAMETER scriptBlock Mandatory. Provide a scriptblock to run against the provided array. Scriptblocks are closed in single quotes or parenthesis. Use $myJobVar as the reference.
Ex: $myScriptBlock = {$math = $myjobvar + 6 | out-file c:\temp\math.txt -append}
.PARAMETER errorLog Optional. Provide an error logging path such as "c:\windows\temp"
.PARAMETER combinePath Required for Combine. Together with CombineSrcName, this will combine all output files into one file. ex: "c:\temp" Specify the path of your output, this must be referenced in your scriptblock as your output destination.
.PARAMETER combineSrcName Required for Combine, you must tell the script what your unique output file name is, ex: "exportdata". This must be the part of the file name you are using to to output in your scriptblock. Function Invoke-EggJob { <# .SYNOPSIS Launches the specified amounts of jobs, divides tasks evenly between them and runs them concurrently.
.DESCRIPTION Specify the amount of jobs, a variable or command to gather records and a scriptblock to run. Additional features include error log path, and reordering of records. If your scriptblock will output a file append $x to the file name.
.PARAMETER jobs Mandatory. Specify the amount of jobs that will be started. The $x variable refers to the job number while running.
.PARAMETER int_records Mandatory. Provide an array of records, such as $items, or $items[0..2500]
.PARAMETER exp_records Optional. Provide an expression that results in an array of records. Use this instead on Int_Records.
.PARAMETER scriptBlock Mandatory. Provide a scriptblock to run against the provided array. Scriptblocks are closed in single quotes or parenthesis. Use $myJobVar as the reference.
Ex: $myScriptBlock = {$math = $myjobvar + 6 | out-file c:\temp\math.txt -append}
.PARAMETER errorLog Optional. Provide an error logging path such as "c:\windows\temp"
.PARAMETER combinePath Required for Combine. Together with CombineSrcName, this will combine all output files into one file. ex: "c:\temp" Specify the path of your output, this must be referenced in your scriptblock as your output destination.
.PARAMETER combineSrcName Required for Combine, you must tell the script what your unique output file name is, ex: "exportdata". This must be the part of the file name you are using to to output in your scriptblock. ex: out-file c:\temp\exportdata_$x
.PARAMETER combineDestName Optional. Set the name of the combined file, default is "combined"
.PARAMETER skipNth Optional. Divides files among jobs by assigning array objects to jobs in a sequential order. divides job records by skipping instead of assigning in order (can speed up some jobs) _
Example: If you choose -jobs 4 and -skipnth 4
job1 assigned records 0,3,7,11,15
job2 assigned records 1,4,8,12,16
job3 assigned records 2,5,9,13,17
job4 assigned records 3,6,10,14,18
.PARAMETER importFunctions Parameter code by: u/PowerShellMichael
Import one or more declared functions into your scriptblock, will be added to your scriptblock just before the job runs. Example:
Times two every item.
function timesTwo {
[int]$value * 2
$items = (1..20)
$scriptblock = {
$myjobvar = timesTwo -value $myjobvar
invoke-eggthread -jobs 4 -scriptBlock $scriptblock -int_records $items -importFunctions timesTwo
.INPUTS Parameters above
.OUTPUTS Records or items processed in parallel with a scriptblock you provide. Output variable is $global:myJobData
.NOTES Version: 1.2.8 Author: Eggs Toast Bacon importFunction parameter code by: u/PowerShellMichael Creation Date: 02/23/2020 Purpose/Change: ..
Ex A: $items = (1..2500)
$myScriptBlock = {$math = $myjobvar + 6 | out-file c:\temp\math_$x.txt -append}
Invoke-EggJob -jobs 8 -int_records $items -scriptBlock $myscriptblock -errorlog C:\windows\temp
Result is the number of items is divided by the number of jobs specified and each job is assigned an even workload. 8 jobs run concurrently in parallel until their assigned workload is complete. Each $item in $items is added by 6 and the result output is appended to c:\temp\math_[job#].txt
Ex B:
$items = (1..2500)
$myScriptBlock = {$math = $myjobvar + 6 | out-file c:\temp\mydata_$x.txt -append}
Invoke-EggJob -jobs 8 -int_records $items -scriptBlock $myscriptblock -errorLog "C:\temp" -combinePath "c:\temp" -combineSrcName "mydata" -combineDestName "combo"
Result is the number of items is divided by the number of jobs specified and each job is assigned an even workload. 8 jobs run concurrently in parallel until their assigned workload is complete. Each $item in $items is added by 6 and the result output is appended to c:\temp\math_[job#].txt All files are combined into a file named [random number]combo.txt #>