Availability system website.
Provided for reference proposes only.
The availability system can be localised for different languages and governing bodies. Users have previously provided French and Dutch translations.
To provide an alternative translation, copy the file messages.properties and translate the text fragments. Contact us (via the link in the Admin screen) and we can install your translation.
To implement a different governing bodies points and ranking system, provide an alternative implementation of the GoverningBody interface.
This is a Java/ Kotlin Spring Boot application. It can be run locally using the Maven plugin.
mvn spring-boot:run
This UI app talks to the Squadlist API (which is documented in OpenAPI format) using a client jar generated from the OpenAPI definition. When a new end point is added to the API we need to regenerate the client jar before we can call that end point.
java -jar modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -i https://api.squadlist.app/openapi.json -l java --group-id uk.co.squadlist.client.swagger --api-package uk.co.squadlist.client.swagger.api --model-package uk.co.squadlist.model.swagger --library=okhttp-gson -o /tmp/squadlist-api-swagger-client -DhideGenerationTimestamp=true,dateLibrary=joda --artifact-version=2022072902 --artifact-id=squadlist-api-swagger-client
We use Google Cloud Build to produce container images. To run this build locally:
gcloud components install cloud-build-local
cloud-build-local --config=cloudbuild.yaml --dryrun=false --push=false .