A simple Docker container to run JPlag code similarity tool.
When running the container, all options are passed to the JPlag CLI.
The only option that is preset is --result-file
, which is set to out
For example, you can get the help prompt with:
docker run --rm -it ghcr.io/edulinq/jplag-docker --help
You should mount your files in the /jplag
A full invocation using source files in your ./src
directory may look something like:
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD:/jplag" ghcr.io/edulinq/jplag-docker --mode RUN --csv-export --language python3 -t 6 ./src
See the entrypoint.sh script for exact details on how JPlag is invoked.
This repository is provided under the MIT licence (include in LICENSE. JPlag is covered by the GPL-3 License. This project does not distribute the source of JPlag, but does include a distribution (jar) as part of the Docker image.