Assignments made using AIMA repository within the scope of Artificial Intelligence course.
Assignment1 : (NQueens) Pick the first leftwise two columns of the chessboard stable and try to reach the solution for the remaining part of the chessboard by applying uninformed search algorithms (Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, Depth Limited Search, Iterative Deepening Search, Uniform Cost Search) and informed search algorithms (Greedy Best First Search, A* Search, Recursive Best First Search).
Assignment2 :(NQueens) Create a random state of the 8-queens board and reach the final position as shown figure using Constraint Satisfaction Problems with using number of attacking queens heuristic in each column.
Assignment3 : “Who is the murderer?” case.
Assignment4 : Construct a Bayesian network following the figure shown in related to admitting to a university.