This program will login device profiles in bulk using a CSV file.
You must provide a CSV file listing the device name, user profile, and end user alias.
The CUCM user must have this access control group assigned: Standard EM Authentication Proxy Rights
Sample CSV format:
Sample SQL statement to get devicename, profile, and user from another cluster:
select as devicename, as profile,eu.userid as user from extensionmobilitydynamic emd left join device d on emd.fkdevice=d.pkid left join device p on emd.fkdevice_currentloginprofile=p.pkid left join enduser eu on emd.fkenduser=eu.pkid
Install Python 3.7 and choose to install the Python Py launcher
Then install one module
C:\Users\Brian>py -m pip install requests
Then run the program
C:\Users\Brian>py Hostname/IP EM-API-Username EM-API-Password myfile.txt
You can pass in the parameters on the command line or edit the sys.argv line at the bottom of the script.