This repository is used to create a Slack bot which can perform various things:
- Insult people
- Check the current weather at a given location
- Define a word you mentioned in a conversation
- Translate sentences
- ... More coming soon!
- Install python and pip3 for your OS.
- Install the requirements.txt file:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Get the necessary API keys for services (e.g. Google API key), and add them to a init.ini file which has to be created inside the config folder.
- Request the SQLite database file imaginelab.db from one of the authors, and add it to the data folder.
When developing modal, install a local tunnel and run the following command:
lt -h -p 3000 -s bottebot
When debugging the database, use the 'DB Browser for SQLite' program to view and/or edit the database file.
- separate poll for voting restaurant
- Request all user info once a day, and based on the id, get all user info from a dict.
- Automatic setup of database schema (programmatically)
- bot should reply in thread when it was triggered from an existing thread (e.g. insult is posted separately now)
- Add more rickrolls
- Check issues with saving orders
- See also the database of bugs!
- Jan De Laet
- Thomas Janssen
- Liam Oorts
This project is part of the iMagineLab codehub. See