NOTE: This repo is archived. The code has been left for reference, but abandoned in favor of Chrome XD.
insert chrome webstore link
If you're interested in modifying more aspects of the scene, see the docs.
insert screenshot of settings @ publication date here
The extension is controlled completely by the settings menu (except internal aspects), which allows you to choose from different presents or to define completely custom scenes, and even custom polygons.
As seen above, the settings menu has a few different functionalities:
- Uploading a new JSON file to render. This will overwrite the current scene, and stay until something is changed manually. See the documentation for the JSON here
- Downloading the currently used JSON data. Either pre-made scenes or your own data will be returned to you in a JSON file as a download.
- Clearing the currently loaded JSON. This will reset the scene to the default cube.
- Show debug information. Enabling this will show FPS rates and other info in the top right corner.
- Presets. This feature allows you to load a pre-made preset that was made by us, the developers. Note though, it will overwrite your own JSON if any is present.
insert demos of finished engine
🡒 Ulrich Barnstedt - [Email] [Github]
UI Development & User Interfaces, Input & Validation, Publishing & Deployment
🡒 Oliver Kovacs - [Email] [Github]
Render Engine Development, 2D Canvas Projection