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Lesson 4
ListViews and Adapters

What you'll learn in this lesson

  • Basic understanding of ListViews and Adapters
  • Working with the ArrayAdapter
  • Creating String Array resources
  • Extending the BaseAdapter to create a custom adapter
  • Creating more complex layouts for the list items

If you know all about the learning goals for this lesson move on to lesson 5


One of the most frequently used views in Android apps is the ListView. It's also one of the more complex views and can become pretty cumbersome to work with if you don't play by the rules. Lists can be huge and its child views can be complex. If you don't do it the right way your users might experience a bad performing scroll or other odd behaviour. We hope to give you a solid introduction to good use of this powerful view.

Adding a ListView to your layout.

A ListView usually displays a (large, if not huge) list of things which you can vertically scroll. The ListView only holds the amount of list item plus or minus a couple more in memory. Every time you scroll, the views that scroll out of view are recycled and reused for the views that are scrolling into view.

The things in the list can have a custom view layout themselves. For the first example we'll simply use one of the standard layouts which you can find in the Android runtime library itself. It's the layout with id android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1. It's a very simple layout with just one TextView with id @android:id/text1

Press Cmd-Shift-O on a Mac or Ctrl-Shift-N on a Windows/Linux machine to open the go to file prompt. Simply type simple_list_item_1 in the search field. Click on one of the items you see to view this systems layout file's contents.

Okay, we've got a layout, now we need a list of things. You might retrieve your list from a server, or a database in real world Android applications, but it is good to know that for fixed lists you can easily create string array resources for every language or device specifically, just as any other Android resource.

<string-array name="animals">

You can reference a string array resource from a context using getResources().getStringArray(R.array.animals)


An Adapter object acts as a bridge or between an AdapterView (in our case the ListView which extends from AdapterView) and the underlying data for that view (our String array). The Adapter provides access to the data items. The Adapter is also responsible for making a View for each item in the data set by implementing a public View getView (int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) method, which our ListView conveniently calls whenever it needs to render the next view for item with position position in the list.

The ArrayAdapter is a very simple implementation of the Adapter interface, which allows us to bind data in an array to a layout XML file and a single TextView in that layout.

We've got all the necessary information to construct an ArrayAddapter in our example we use this constructor:

public ArrayAdapter (Context context, int resource, T[] objects)


  • context The current context.
  • resource The resource ID for a layout file containing a TextView to use when instantiating views.
  • objects The objects to represent in the ListView.

Exercise 04.01

It's time to put the learned stuff into practice!

  1. Import sample04 in Android Studio
  2. Click on the TODO Tool View double click on the TODO Exercise 04.01 item. This opens the file at the spot where you should enter the code below.
  3. Set the content view to the activity_listview_in_layout.xml layout file.
  4. Bind a local ListView object to the ListView in the layout with a findViewById and the id you can find in the activity_listview_in_layout.xml layout file.
  5. Create a local variable String[] entries which contains the items in the animals string resource array (see arrays.xml)
  6. Create a new ArrayAdapter instance with layout id android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 and assign this adapter to the ListView object. (At this time you should be able to see something on screen, so take your project for a spin here and click on the "ListView in layout" item)
  7. Extra Create a custom list item layout, with at least one TextView with id @android:id/text1, and assign that to the ArrayAdapter constructor.

##Exercise 04.02

  1. Import sample04 in Android Studio (if you have not done that already in exercise 04.01)
  2. Click on the TODO Tool View double click on the TODO Exercise 04.02 item.
  3. Again create a local variable String[] entries which contains the items in the animals string resource array (see arrays.xml)
  4. Create a new array adapter with layout id android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 and assign this adapter to the list view via the getListView() method. (You should be able to see something on screen, so take your project for a spin here and click on the "ListActivity" item)
  5. Extra Override the protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) method and try to display the animal name via a Toast

Building a custom adapter with BaseAdapter

Okay, a list with Strings is kind of nice as an example, but what about a list with a little bit more information. Let's say a list of animals with a thumbnail image and two textviews with the animal name and the type of animal. Something like this:

Custom adapater result

How do we go about creating that?

You can read through the next steps or even better, toss away the existing file and follow along and do all the steps yourself!

Create a new class with name CustomAdapter which extends the BaseAdapter class. Android Studio will immediately show you something is wrong by red underlining the class definition. Hover your mouse over the red curly line to see what's wrong.

Somethings's wrong with our custom adapter

Move your cursor to the line in error an press Alt-Enter to see some quickfixes

Quick fix me please

Select Implement methods, select all the suggested methods, click OK and watch the magic unfold.

Select methods to implement

  • The getCount method should return the number of items in our adapter.
  • The getItem method should return the actual data object for a certain position.
  • The getItemId should return a unique id for our data item at the given position.
  • The getView method is the most important and most complex method to override. The getView method is responsible for binding a data item at the given position to a new or recycled view (the convertView argument).

If the convertView argument is null you have to use a so called LayoutInflater to convert the layout XML file to an actual View object. Here's how you do this in the getView method:

if (convertView == null) {
  LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) mContext.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
  convertView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_layout, null, false);

The mContext field is something you normally initialize in your custom adapter constructor. (Sometimes people initialize a LayoutInflater as a field in the constructor as well.)

public CustomAdapter(Context context) {
  this.mContext = context;

You can use the convertView to find the image thumbnail and two text views.

ImageView imageView = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(;
// Set the image resource of imageView to something you retrieve from your data

TextView textView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
// Etc.

At the end of the getView method you should return the updated convertView which will be used as an item in the list view.

Okay, let's see this in action with some data.

##Exercise 04.03

  1. Import sample04 in Android Studio (if you have not done that already in the previous exercises)
  2. Click on the TODO Tool View double click on the TODO Exercise 04.03 item.
  3. Complete the getCount(), getItem(int position) and getItemId(int position) methods to return logical values and take your project for a spin.
  4. In CustomAdapterActivity complete the onListItemClick method. Use the position to retrieve an Animal object from the mCustomerAdapter field and use the animal.infoUrl information to create a valid Uri.
  5. Extra exercise Instead of using a ListView use a GridView and the same custom adapter to create a grid of animal info.


The ListView and extending the BaseAdapter are powerful tools to create great looking lists in your app. This lesson only showed you the tip of the iceberg. There are still many things to discover for a correct and optimal implementation of great performing lists. For example:

On to lesson 5 where you will learn about Fragments, the ViewPager UI pattern and playing sounds with the MediaPlayer.
