Go Wheels
Overview This project is a car rental website developed using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, Node.js), without utilizing React. Installation Steps
- Clone Repository:
bashCopy code git clone https://github.com/dushyant-2002/car-rental-website.git - Navigate to Project Directory: bashCopy code cd car-rental-website
- Install Dependencies: bashCopy code npm install
- Configure Database: • Create a MongoDB database and update the connection string in config/db.js.
- Environment Variables: • Create a .env file and add necessary environment variables (e.g., PORT, MONGODB_URI).
- Run the Application: bashCopy code npm start
- Access the Application: Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080.
Project Structure
• controllers/: Backend controller logic.
• middlewares/: Custom middleware functions.
• models/: Database models.
• public/: Static assets.
• router/: Backend route handlers.
• views/: Views (if using server-side rendering).
• app.js: Express application setup.
• seed.js: Script for seeding initial data into the database.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests.
Happy Coding! 🚗✨