This repository is for tracking and publishing my problem sets in the junior and senior year courses of the MIT Computer Science program from the MIT Open Courseware.
No | Course |
- | 6.01: Introduction to EE and CS I
- | 6.02: Introduction to EE and CS II
- | 6.042J: Mathematics for Computer Science
- | 6.006: Introduction to Algorithms
- | 18.01: Single Variable Calculus
- | 18.06: Linear Algebra
- | 6.041: Probabilistic Systems Analysis
- | 6.046J: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- | 6.034: Artificial Intelligence
- | 6.004: Computation Structures
- | 6.033: Computer Systems Engineering
- | 6.005: Elements of Software Construction
- | 6.801: Machine Vision
- | 6.837: Computer Graphics
- | 6.045J: Automata, Computability, and Complexity
If the above fifteen courses seems either overwhelming or too MIT oriented then perhaps you'd like to start with just the core courses. I've selected the following eight courses from across Stanford, Harvard and Georgia Tech which I consider the best in class in curriculum, interactivity and community at EdX, Coursera and Udacity:
No | Platform | University Course |
- | EdX | Harvard CS50: Intro to CS
- | Udacity | Udacity CS212: Design of Computer Programs
- | Coursera | Stanford CS161: Algorithms: Part 1 & 2
- | Udacity | Stanford CS188: AI: YouTube Playlist
- | Udacity | Udacity CS313: Intro to Theoretical Computer Science
- | Udacity | Georgia Tech CS6505: Computability & Complexity
- | Udacity | Georgia Tech CS6210: Advanced Operating Systems
- | Coursera | Stanford CS143: Compilers
Visit to see more.