Button to insert a textpad of etherpad-lite into TinyMCE
- Extract the zip to the TinyMCE plug-ins folder.
- Add etherpad-lite to the plug-ins configuration.
- Add etherpad-lite to the theme_advanced_buttons_n configuration.
- Add configuration parameters of the plugin (see the explanations below)
plugin_etherpadlite_padServerUrl (Default: "") The URL of the EtherPad Lite server. The plugin won't work without a defined server
plugin_etherpadlite_padNamesPrefix (Default: "") The prefix that will be added automatically to the pad that will be created. It's important to think of a specific prefix (like for example the url of your website), so that the pads will be unique. The names of the created pads will be numbered like this: padNamesPrefix1, padNamesPrefix2, etc. Each time one user clicks at "insert pad", a new number will be generated, ordered.
plugin_etherpadlite_padWidth (Default: 100%) The width of the pad that will be inserted
plugin_etherpadlite_padHeight (Default: 400px) The height of the pad that will be inserted
tinyMCE.init({ mode : "textareas", theme : "advanced", plugins : "etherpadlite", theme_advanced_buttons2 : "bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,separator,bullist,numlist,separator,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,separator,link,unlink,image,table,etherpadlite,separator,cleanup", content_css : "css/content.css",
// Parameters for etherpadlite Plugin:
plugin_etherpadlite_padServerUrl: "http://pad.textb.org/p/",
plugin_etherpadlite_padNamesPrefix : "mypads-",
Here is an example of an existing pad server: http://pad.textb.org/p/