Keepalived is software which provides high availability by assigning two or more nodes a virtual IP and monitoring those nodes, failing over when one goes down.
The Keepalived charm is a subordinate.
Using with Kubernetes (CDK)
Use keepalived with CDK to ensure kubeapi-load-balancer is not a single point of failure.
juju deploy keepalived
juju relate keepalived:juju-info kubeapi-load-balancer:juju-info
juju relate keepalived:lb-sink kubeapi-load-balancer:website
juju relate keepalived:loadbalancer kubernetes-master:loadbalancer
juju relate keepalived:website kubernetes-worker:kube-api-endpoint
# this relation is also needed as usual so that the actual
# load-balancer knows about backend endpoints
juju relate kubernetes-master:kube-api-endpoint kubeapi-load-balancer:apiserver
# configure keepalived (values are examples, substitute your own)
juju config keepalived virtual_ip=
juju config keepalived port=443
juju config keepalived vip_hostname=$VIP_HOSTNAME
# set extra_sans to update api server ssl cert
juju config kubeapi-load-balancer extra_sans=$VIP_HOSTNAME
juju config kubernetes-master extra_sans=$VIP_HOSTNAME
# if you only have one kubeapi-load-balancer unit, add another one
juju add-unit kubeapi-load-balancer
juju deploy keepalived
juju add-relation haproxy keepalived
With tox pre-installed, run the following in the top-level directory of this source repository:
tox -e build
The charm will be present under build/builds/keepalived