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dselivanov committed Feb 25, 2019
1 parent 5c8ea92 commit a5d7ce6
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Showing 3 changed files with 98 additions and 148 deletions.
215 changes: 73 additions & 142 deletions R/distance_RWMD.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,3 @@
# we assume wv matrix is already normalized. In this case L2 normalized
# wv - word vectors matrix (WORDS = COLUMNS, because faster subsetting!)
cosine_dist_internal = function(m_i, m_j) {
1 - crossprod(m_i, m_j)

# we assume wv matrix is already normalized. In this case L2 normalized
# wv - word vectors matrix (WORDS = COLUMNS, because faster subsetting!)
euclidean_dist_internal = function(m_i, m_j) {
euclidean_dist(m_i, m_j)

dist_internal = function(m_i, m_j, method) {
cosine = cosine_dist_internal(m_i, m_j),
euclidean = euclidean_dist_internal(m_i, m_j))

text2vec_dist = R6::R6Class(
classname = "distance_model",
public = list(
Expand All @@ -27,45 +9,43 @@ text2vec_dist = R6::R6Class(
internal_matrix_format = NULL

#' @name RelaxedWordMoversDistance
#' @title Creates model which can be used for calculation of "relaxed word movers distance".
#' @description Relaxed word movers distance tries to measure distance between documents by
#' calculating how hard is to transform words from first document into words from second document
#' and vice versa. For more detail see original article: \url{}.
#' @title Creates Relaxed Word Movers Distance (RWMD) model
#' @description RWMD model can be used to query the "relaxed word movers distance" from a document to a
#' collection of documents. RWMD tries to measure distance between query document and collection of documents by
#' calculating how hard is to transform words from query document into words from each document in collection.
#' For more detail see following article: \url{}.
#' However in contrast to the article above we calculate "easiness" of the convertion of one word into another
#' by using \bold{cosine} similarity (but not a euclidean distance).
#' Also here in text2vec we've implemented effiient RWMD using the tricks from the
#' \href{}{Linear-Complexity Relaxed Word Mover's Distance with GPU Acceleration} article.
#' @section Usage:
#' For usage details see \bold{Methods, Arguments and Examples} sections.
#' \preformatted{
#' rwmd = RelaxedWordMoversDistance$new(wv, method = c("cosine", "euclidean"), normalize = TRUE, progressbar = interactive())
#' rwmd$dist2(x, y)
#' rwmd$pdist2(x, y)
#' rwmd = RelaxedWordMoversDistance$new(x, embeddings)
#' rwmd$sim2(x)
#' }
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{$new(wv, method = c("cosine", "euclidean"))}}{Constructor for RWMD model
#' For description of arguments see \bold{Arguments} section}
#' \item{\code{$dist2(x, y)}}{Computes distance between each row of sparse matrix
#' \code{x} and each row of sparse matrix \code{y}}
#' \item{\code{$pdist2(x, y)}}{Computes "parallel" distance between rows of
#' sparse matrix \code{x} and corresponding rows of the sparse matrix \code{y}}
#' }
#' @field progressbar \code{logical = TRUE} whether to display progressbar
#' @section Arguments:
#' \describe{
#' \item{rwmd}{\code{RWMD} object}
#' \item{x}{\code{x} sparse document term matrix}
#' \item{y}{\code{y = NULL} sparse document term matrix.
#' If \code{y = NULL} (as by default), we will assume \code{y = x} }
#' \item{wv}{word vectors. Numeric matrix which contains word embeddings. Rows - words,
#' columns - corresponding vectors. Rows should have word names.}
#' \item{method}{name of the distance for measuring similarity between two word vectors.
#' In original paper authors use \code{"euclidean"},
#' however we use \code{"cosine"} by default (better from our experience).
#' This means \code{distance = 1 - cosine_angle_betwen_wv}}
#' \item{\code{$new(x, embeddings)}}{Constructor for RWMD model.
#' \code{x} - docuent-term matrix which represents collection of
#' documents against which you want to perform queries. \code{embeddings} -
#' matrix of word embeddings which will be used to calculate similarities
#' between words (each row represents a word vector).}
#' \item{\code{$sim(x)}}{calculates similarity from a collection of documents
#' to collection query documents \code{x}.
#' \code{x} here is a document-term matrix which represents the set of query documents}
#' \item{\code{$dist(x)}}{calculates distance from a collection of documents
#' to collection query documents \code{x}
#' \code{x} here is a document-term matrix which represents the set of query documents}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(text2vec)
#' library(rsparse)
#' data("movie_review")
#' tokens = word_tokenizer(tolower(movie_review$review))
#' v = create_vocabulary(itoken(tokens))
Expand All @@ -74,128 +54,79 @@ text2vec_dist = R6::R6Class(
#' vectorizer = vocab_vectorizer(v)
#' dtm = create_dtm(it, vectorizer)
#' tcm = create_tcm(it, vectorizer, skip_grams_window = 5)
#' glove_model = GloVe$new(word_vectors_size = 50, vocabulary = v, x_max = 10)
#' wv = glove_model$fit_transform(tcm, n_iter = 10)
#' glove_model = GloVe$new(word_vectors_size = 50, x_max = 10)
#' wv = glove_model$fit_transform(tcm, n_iter = 5)
#' # get average of main and context vectors as proposed in GloVe paper
#' wv = wv + t(glove_model$components)
#' rwmd_model = RWMD$new(wv)
#' rwmd_dist = dist2(dtm[1:100, ], dtm[1:10, ], method = rwmd_model, norm = 'none')
#' head(rwmd_dist)
#' rwmd_model = RelaxedWordMoversDistance$new(dtm, wv)
#' rwms = rwmd_model$sim2(dtm[1:10, ])
#' head(sort(rwms[1, ], decreasing = T))
RelaxedWordMoversDistance = R6::R6Class(
classname = "RWMD",
inherit = text2vec_dist,
public = list(
initialize = function(wv, method = c('cosine', 'euclidean'), normalize = TRUE, progressbar = interactive()) {
stopifnot(is.logical(normalize) && is.logical(progressbar))
x = NULL,
embedding_ids = NULL,
item_ids = NULL,
embeddings = NULL,
initialize = function(x, embeddings) {

self$embedding_ids = intersect(colnames(x), rownames(embeddings))
self$item_ids = rownames(x)

embeddings = embeddings[self$embedding_ids, , drop = FALSE]
x = x[, self$embedding_ids, drop = FALSE]
x = text2vec:::transform_rows_unit_norm(x, 1)

private$internal_matrix_format = 'RsparseMatrix'
private$method = match.arg(method)
self$progressbar = progressbar
self$x = as(x, private$internal_matrix_format)
# make shure that word vectors are L2 normalized
# and transpose them for faster column subsetting
# R stores matrices in column-major format
private$wv = t(as.matrix(normalize(wv, "l2")))
self$embeddings = t(text2vec:::transform_rows_unit_norm(embeddings, 2))
dist2 = function(x, y) {
stopifnot( inherits(x, "sparseMatrix") && inherits(y, "sparseMatrix"))
stopifnot( colnames(x) == colnames(y) )
# take only words that appear both in word vectors
terms = intersect(colnames(x), colnames(private$wv))
# make sure we don't have empty string - matrices doesn't allow subsetting by empty string
terms = setdiff(terms, "")
wv_internal = private$wv[, terms, drop = FALSE]
# convert matrices in row-major format
x_csr = normalize(x[, terms, drop = FALSE], "l1")
x_csr = as(x_csr, private$internal_matrix_format)
sim2 = function(x) {
stopifnot(identical(colnames(x), self$embedding_ids))
x = as(x, private$internal_matrix_format)

y_csr = normalize(y[, terms, drop = FALSE], "l1")
y_csr = as(y_csr, private$internal_matrix_format)

if (self$progressbar)
pb = txtProgressBar(initial = 1L, min = 2L, max = length(x_csr@p), style = 3)
# preallocate resulting matrix
res = matrix(Inf, nrow = nrow(x_csr), ncol = nrow(y_csr))
# main loop
for (j in 2L:(length(x_csr@p))) {
if (self$progressbar) setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
i1 = (x_csr@p[[j - 1]] + 1L):x_csr@p[[j]]
j1 = x_csr@j[i1] + 1L
m_j1 = wv_internal[, j1, drop = FALSE]
x1 = x_csr@x[i1]
res = vector("list", nrow(x))

dist_matrix = dist_internal(m_j1, wv_internal, private$method)
for (i in 2L:(length(y_csr@p))) {
# document offsets
i2 = (y_csr@p[[i - 1L]] + 1L):y_csr@p[[i]]
# word indices
j2 = y_csr@j[i2] + 1L
# nbow values
x2 = y_csr@x[i2]
res[j - 1L, i - 1L] = private$rwmd_cache(dist_matrix[, j2, drop = FALSE], x1, x2)
if (self$progressbar) close(pb)
pdist2 = function(x, y) {
stopifnot( inherits(x, "sparseMatrix") && inherits(y, "sparseMatrix"))
stopifnot( ncol(x) == ncol(y) )
stopifnot( colnames(x) == colnames(y) )
stopifnot( nrow(x) == nrow(y) )
# take only words that appear both in word vectors
terms = intersect(colnames(x), colnames(private$wv))
# make sure we don't have empty string - matrices doesn't allow subsetting by empty string
terms = setdiff(terms, "")
wv_internal = private$wv[, terms, drop = FALSE]

x_csr = normalize(x[, terms, drop = FALSE], "l1")
x_csr = as(x_csr, private$internal_matrix_format)
for (j in 2L:(length(x@p))) {
row_number = j - 1L
# futile.logger::flog.debug(sprintf("row %d", row_number))
i1 = (x@p[[row_number]] + 1L):x@p[[j]]
j1 = x@j[i1] + 1L
m_j1 = self$embeddings[, j1, drop = FALSE]

y_csr = normalize(y[, terms, drop = FALSE], "l1")
y_csr = as(y_csr, private$internal_matrix_format)
d = crossprod(m_j1, self$embeddings)
# calculates how easy is to transform each word in vocabulary into words from query
d = matrix(text2vec:::colMaxs(d), ncol = 1)

if (self$progressbar)
pb = txtProgressBar(initial = 1L, min = 2L, max = length(x_csr@p), style = 3)
# preallocate space for result
res = rep(Inf, nrow(x_csr))
for (j in 2L:(length(x_csr@p))) {
if (self$progressbar) setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
i1 = (x_csr@p[[j - 1]] + 1L):x_csr@p[[j]]
j1 = x_csr@j[i1] + 1L
m_j1 = wv_internal[ , j1, drop = FALSE]
x1 = x_csr@x[i1]
i2 = (y_csr@p[[j - 1L]] + 1L):y_csr@p[[j]]
j2 = y_csr@j[i2] + 1L
m_j2 = wv_internal[ , j2, drop = FALSE]
x2 = y_csr@x[i2]
res[j - 1L] = private$rwmd(m_j1, m_j2, x1, x2)
# matrix mult from rsparse
# calculates the cost of the best transformation from each of the
# documents from collection into query document. We transform each word from
# each document into closest word in the query
d = self$x %*% d
res[[row_number]]= d[, 1]
if (self$progressbar) close(pb)
res =, res)
colnames(res) = self$item_ids
rownames(res) = rownames(x)
dist2 = function(x) {
1 - self$sim2(x)
private = list(
wv = NULL,
method = NULL,
# workhorse for rwmd calculation
rwmd = function(m_i, m_j, weight_i, weight_j) {
dist_matrix = dist_internal(m_i, m_j, private$method)
d1 = sum( text2vec:::rowMins(dist_matrix) * weight_i)
d2 = sum( text2vec:::colMins(dist_matrix) * weight_j)
max(d1, d2)
rwmd_cache = function(dist_matrix, weight_i, weight_j) {
d1 = sum( rowMins(dist_matrix) * weight_i)
d2 = sum( colMins(dist_matrix) * weight_j)
max(d1, d2)
internal_matrix_format = NULL

#' @rdname RelaxedWordMoversDistance
#' @export
RWMD = RelaxedWordMoversDistance
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions R/utils_matrix.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,28 @@
# // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# // along with text2vec. If not, see <>.

transform_rows_unit_norm = function(x, norm = 1) {
if(!inherits(x, "matrix") && !inherits(x, "sparseMatrix"))
stop("x should inherit from `matrix`` or `Matrix::sparseMatrix`")
if(!is.numeric(norm) || length(norm) != 1)
stop("`norm` should be numeric of length 1")
rs = rowSums(x ^ norm)

if(isTRUE(all.equal(rep(1, length(rs)), rs, tolerance = 1e-5, check.attributes = FALSE)))

norm_vec = 1 / rs ^ (1 / norm)

# case when sum row elements == 0
norm_vec[is.infinite(norm_vec)] = 0

if(inherits(x, "sparseMatrix"))
Diagonal(x = norm_vec) %*% x
x * norm_vec

#' @name normalize
#' @title Matrix normalization
#' @description normalize matrix rows using given norm
Expand Down
9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions tests/testthat/test-distances.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,13 +68,10 @@ test_that("euclidean", {

test_that("relaxed word mover distance", {
glove = GlobalVectors$new(word_vectors_size = 50, x_max = 10)
wv = glove$fit_transform(tcm, n_iter = 10)
rwmd_model = RWMD$new(wv)
rwmd_dist = dist2(dtm[i1, ], dtm[i2, ], method = rwmd_model, norm = "none")
wv = glove$fit_transform(tcm, n_iter = 5)
rwmd_model = RWMD$new(dtm[i2, ], wv)
rwmd_dist = rwmd_model$dist2(dtm[i1, ])
expect_equal(nrow(rwmd_dist), length(i1))
expect_equal(ncol(rwmd_dist), length(i2))
expect_equal(rwmd_dist[1,1], 0, tol = tol)
expect_equal(dist2(dtm[i1, ], method = rwmd_model, norm = "none"),
dist2(dtm[i1, ], dtm[i1, ], method = rwmd_model, norm = "none"))


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