This repository contains full APIs with policies and all the content required for an Azure APIM and APIOps demo.
The following prerequisites are required for this demo:
- An APIM previously deployed and configured. The steps described in this repository can be followed: apim-demo-infra
- This repository must be forked and cloned locally.
- An Azure subscription
- The Azure CLI
- A Service Principal with Contributor rights on the subscription
- Credentials and Variables must be set up as GitHub Secrets
The next sections provide instructions on how to set up these prerequisites.
This repository must be forked first. Then, it can be cloned locally by running the following command in the directory where the repository is desired:
git clone <your_repository>.git
The main branch will be used to make changes to the infrastructure. The changes will be deployed to the dev (Development) environment first. After the changes have been tested in the Development environment, they will be promoted to the prod (Production) environment via a workflow.
An Azure subscription is required to deploy this demo. If an Azure subscription is not available, a free account can be created.
Some resources will be created with the Azure CLI. Azure CLI.
A Service Principal is needed to deploy the infrastructure for this demo. A Service Principal can be created with the following instructions:
- Log in to Azure:
az login
- List the available subscriptions:
az account list -o table
- Init the SUBSCRIPTION_ID variable with the subscription ID you want to use:
export SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<subscriptionID>
- Create a Service Principal with contributor rights on the subscription:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID" --sdk-auth
The json output of the command must be copied and kept safe for next step.
For details, see the instructions in the Azure CLI documentation to create a Service Principal.
The following environments must be created in the GitHub repository:
- dev
- prod
Follow the instructions in the GitHub documentation to create the environments.
The following secrets must be created as GitHub Secrets for each environment, values are obtained from the previous steps including the Azure APIM deployment:
A GitHub Action has been included to run the apis deployment.
This automation will register APIs inside APIM and its related policies, tags and products.
To run the automation, push the changes to the dev or main branch. The automation will run automatically.
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push origin dev