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Getting Started
中文 | English
FreeSql is a powerful .NET ORM that supports all .NET Standard runtime platforms like .NET Framework 4.0+, .NET Core 2.1+, Xamarin and AOT, etc.
FreeSql supports MySql, SqlServer, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sqlite, Firebird, 达梦, 神通, 人大金仓, 翰高, 虚谷, 南大通用, ClickHouse, QuestDB and MsAccess.
QQ Groups:4336577(full)、8578575(full)、52508226(full)
FreeSql uses a model to perform data access. The model is represented by an entity class to represent a database table or view for querying and saving data.
The entity model can be generated from an existing database, and FreeSql provides the IDbFirst
interface to generate the entity model.
Or you can create the model manually, and then create or modify the database based on the model. FreeSql provides an API for the ICodeFirst
synchronization structure (it can even be synchronized automatically during the development phase).
using FreeSql.DataAnnotations;
using System;
public class Blog {
[Column(IsIdentity = true, IsPrimary = true)]
public int BlogId { get; set; }
public string Url { get; set; }
public int Rating { get; set; }
FreeSql.Provider.XXX (Optional Providers)
dotnet add packages FreeSql
dotnet add packages FreeSql.Provider.Sqlite
Install-Package FreeSql
Install-Package FreeSql.Provider.Sqlite
Note: IFreeSql should be declared as a singleton in the project, not created every time it is used.
- .NET Core Singleton Startup.cs
services.AddSingleton<IFreeSql>(r =>
IFreeSql fsql = new FreeSql.FreeSqlBuilder()
.UseConnectionString(FreeSql.DataType.Sqlite, @"Data Source=db1.db")
//Automatically synchronize the entity structure to the database.
//FreeSql will not scan the assembly, and will generate a table if and only when the CRUD instruction is executed.
return fsql;
- .NET Core injects multiple FreeSql instances
- .NET Framework Singleton
public class DB
static Lazy<IFreeSql> sqliteLazy = new Lazy<IFreeSql>(() => {
var fsql = new FreeSql.FreeSqlBuilder()
.UseConnectionString(FreeSql.DataType.Sqlite, @"Data Source=db1.db")
return fsql;
public static IFreeSql Sqlite => sqliteLazy.Value;
class DB\<T\>
Generic classes are not suitable for static singletons
Then when using it, use fsql
directly through IFreeSql fsql = DB.Sqlite;
IFreeSql is the top-level object of ORM, and all operations use its methods or properties:
fsql.Select<T>(); //Query
fsql.Insert<T>(); //Insert
fsql.Update<T>(); //Update
fsql.Delete<T>(); //Delete
fsql.InsertOrUpdate<T>()// Insert or Update
fsql.Transaction(..); //Transaction
fsql.CodeFirst; //CodeFirst Object
fsql.DbFirst; //DbFirst Object
fsql.Ado; //Ado Object
fsql.Aop; //Aop Object
fsql.GlobalFilter; //Gloabl Filter Object
When the program is running, FreeSql
will check the AutoSyncStructure
parameter, and use this condition to determine whether to compare the changes between the entity and the database structure to achieve the purpose of automatic migration. For more information, please refer to the CodeFirst Documentation.
Note: Use this feature in a production environment with caution.
Note: Use this feature in a production environment with caution.
Note: Use this feature in a production environment with caution.
var blogs = fsql.Select<Blog>()
.Where(b => b.Rating > 3)
.OrderBy(b => b.Url)
.Limit(10) //Query the record from line 100 to line 110
var blog = new Blog { Url = "http://sample.com" };
blog.BlogId = (int)fsql.Insert<Blog>()
.Set(b => b.Url, "http://sample2222.com")
.Where(b => b.Url == "http://sample.com")
.Where(b => b.Url == "http://sample.com")
Methods | Return | Description |
UseConnectionString | this | Connection string |
UseAdoConnectionPool | this | set up Ado connection pool (default false, remote true) |
UseSlave | this | Set up the slave database, support multipleslace databases. |
UseSlaveWeight | this | Set up the slave database weight. |
UseConnectionFactory | this | Set up a custom database connection object (abandon the built-in object connection pool technology) |
UseAutoSyncStructure | this | [Recommended development environment] Automatically synchronize the entity structure to the database, and check entity creation or modification table structure during program operation |
UseNoneCommandParameter | this | Do not use command parameterized execution. for Insert/Update , you can also temporarily use IInsert/IUpdate.NoneParameter()
UseGenerateCommandParameterWithLambda | this | For lambda expression analysis, generate command parameterized execution |
UseLazyLoading | this | Turn on the lazy loading function, |
UseMonitorCommand | this | Monitor before and after global SQL execution. |
UseMappingPriority | this | Specify mapping priority(default Aop < FluentApi < Attribute) |
UseNameConvert | this | Automatic name conversion Entity -> Db |
UseExitAutoDisposePool | this | Listen to the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit/Console.CancelKeyPress event to automatically release the connection pool (default true) |
Build<T> | IFreeSql<T> | Create an IFreeSql object. Note: Singleton design, don’t repeat creation |
DataType | ConnectionString |
DataType.MySql | Data Source=;Port=3306;User ID=root;Password=root; Initial Catalog=cccddd;Charset=utf8; SslMode=none;Min pool size=1 |
DataType.PostgreSQL | Host=;Port=5432;Username=postgres;Password=123456; Database=tedb;Pooling=true;Minimum Pool Size=1 |
DataType.SqlServer | Data Source=.;User Id=sa;Password=123456;Initial Catalog=freesqlTest;Encrypt=True; TrustServerCertificate=True;Pooling=true;Min Pool Size=1 |
DataType.Oracle | user id=user1;password=123456; data source=//;Pooling=true;Min Pool Size=1 |
DataType.Sqlite | Data Source=|DataDirectory|\document.db; Attachs=xxxtb.db; Pooling=true;Min Pool Size=1 |
DataType.Firebird | database=localhost:D:\fbdata\EXAMPLES.fdb;user=sysdba;password=123456 |
DataType.MsAccess | Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;Data Source=d:/accdb/2003.mdb |
DataType.MsAccess(accdb) | Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=d:/accdb/2003.accdb; |
DataType.MsAccess(encipher) | Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=d:/accdb/2003.accdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=12341234 |
DataType.Dameng(达梦) | server=;port=5236;user=2user;password=123456789;database=2user;poolsize=5 |
DataType.KingbaseES(人大金仓) V008R003 | Server=;Port=54321;UID=USER2;PWD=123456789;database=TEST;MAXPOOLSIZE=2 |
DataType.Gbase(南大通用) | Driver={GBase ODBC DRIVER (64-Bit)};Host=;Service=9088;Server=gbase01;Database=testdb;Protocol=onsoctcp;Uid=gbasedbt;Pwd=GBase123;Db_locale=zh_CN.utf8;Client_locale=zh_CN.utf8 |
DataType.OdbcMySql | Driver={MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver}; Server=;Persist Security Info=False; Trusted_Connection=Yes;UID=root;PWD=root; DATABASE=cccddd_odbc;Charset=utf8; SslMode=none;Min Pool Size=1 |
DataType.OdbcSqlServer | Driver={SQL Server};Data Source=.;User Id=sa;Password=123456;Initial Catalog=freesqlTest;Encrypt=True; TrustServerCertificate=True;Pooling=true;Min Pool Size=1 |
DataType.OdbcOracle | Driver={Oracle in XE};Server=//; Persist Security Info=False; Trusted_Connection=Yes;UID=odbc1;PWD=123456; Min Pool Size=1 |
DataType.OdbcPostgreSQL | Driver={PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)};Server=; Port=5432;UID=postgres;PWD=123456; Database=tedb_odbc;Pooling=true;Min Pool Size=1 |
DataType.OdbcDameng (达梦) | Driver={DM8 ODBC DRIVER};Server=; Persist Security Info=False; Trusted_Connection=Yes; UID=USER1;PWD=123456789 |
DataType.OdbcKingbaseES (人大金仓) V008R003 | Driver={KingbaseES 8.2 ODBC Driver ANSI};Server=;Port=54321;UID=USER2;PWD=123456789;database=TEST |
DataType.Odbc | Driver={SQL Server};Server=.;Persist Security Info=False; Trusted_Connection=Yes;Integrated Security=True; DATABASE=freesqlTest_odbc; Pooling=true;Min pool size=1 |
DataType.Custom | Custom connection string, access any database |