NEW - UseForStatementToCreateInfiniteLoop analyzer and code fix added
NEW - UseWhileStatementToCreateInfiniteLoop analyzer and code fix added
NEW - AvoidUsageOfDoStatementToCreateInfiniteLoop analyzer and code fix added
NEW - UseStringLiteralInsteadOfInterpolatedString analyzer and code fix added
RemoveRedundantEmptyLine analyzer enhanced
FormatAccessorList analyzer now works for auto-property accessor list
MergeLocalDeclarationWithReturnStatement code fix now works when cursor is in return statement
MergeIfStatementWithContainedIfStatement code fix improved (unnecessary parentheses are not added)
bug fixed in SimplifyAssignmentExpression analyzer
"Extract statement(s) from if statement" refactoring now works for topmost if statement that has else clause
"Format binary expression on multiple lines" refactoring now works for a single binary expression
"Negate binary expression" refactoring now works properly for a chain of logical and/or expressions
"Remove parameter name from each argument" refactoring now works when any argument has parameter name
"Expand property and add backing field" improved (accessor is on a single line)
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