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Animatch is a match-three game with cute animals.

The game was made for Purism, SPC by Holy Pangolin studio, consisting of Agata Nawrot and Sebastian Krzyszkowiak.

Cloning the repository

As Animatch uses git submodules, make sure to initialize them before trying to compile:

git clone --recursive


Natively on GNU/Linux

You need a complete set of Allegro 5 libraries, CMake and, of course, a C/C++ compiler installed. Ninja build system is optional, but recommended. On Debian-based distributions (Ubuntu, PureOS, ...), you can install all dependencies by issuing:

sudo apt install build-essential cmake ninja-build git liballegro5-dev liballegro-acodec5-dev liballegro-audio5-dev liballegro-image5-dev liballegro-ttf5-dev liballegro-video5-dev

On Arch:

pacman -S --needed base-devel cmake allegro ninja git

To build Animatch:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -GNinja

Now you can run the game by calling:


Using Flatpak

You need to have flatpak-builder installed.

To build and install Animatch:

flatpak-builder build-flatpak flatpak/com.holypangolin.Animatch.json --force-clean --install --user

To run Animatch after building the flatpak, issue this command:

flatpak run com.holypangolin.Animatch

The game depends on the Freedesktop SDK 18.08. If Flatpak doesn't offer to install it automatically when building, make sure you have some repository that contains it enabled, for instance Flathub:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

Note: Flatpak builds configure Allegro to use SDL2 backend, which gives them native Wayland support.

Using Docker SDK

You can cross-compile Animatch to a bunch of various platforms using libsuperderpy's Docker SDK. To do so, you can run various package_*.sh scripts from the utils/ directory (do git clone utils first if you use the tarball). The resulting packages will be placed into utils/output/. For more information, consult the utils/README file.

Compilation options

You can pass some variables to CMake in order to configure the way in which Animatch will be built:

Variable Meaning
LIBSUPERDERPY_STATIC links the libsuperderpy engine as a static library
LIBSUPERDERPY_STATIC_COMMON links the common Animatch routines as a static library
LIBSUPERDERPY_STATIC_GAMESTATES links the gamestates as static libraries
LIBSUPERDERPY_EMBEDDED_ALLEGRO uses an embedded copy of Allegro and links it in statically
LIBSUPERDERPY_STATIC_DEPS tries to link system Allegro in statically
LIBSUPERDERPY_EXTRA_LIBS extra set of libraries to link resulting binaries with
LIBSUPERDERPY_LTO enables link-time optimizations
USE_CLANG_TIDY when enabled, uses clang-tidy for static analyzer warnings when compiling.
SANITIZERS enables one or more kinds of compiler instrumentation: address, undefined, leak, thread

Example: cmake .. -GNinja -DLIBSUPERDERPY_LTO=ON

Packaging notes

Since libsuperderpy doesn't have a stable ABI yet, it's recommended to compile with -DLIBSUPERDERPY_STATIC=ON option for packaging to not clash with other libsuperderpy-based games.

Allegro doesn't have native Wayland backend - it does have SDL2 one though, which in turn can use Wayland. However, it needs to be enabled at compile time. Therefore, when targetting Wayland-based platforms, it's recommended to use -DLIBSUPERDERPY_EMBEDDED_ALLEGRO=ON -DALLEGRO_SDL=ON options (unless Allegro compiled with SDL2 backend is already provided by the platform).

When using Allegro's SDL2 backend for its Wayland support, it's recommended to use SDL2 2.0.10 or newer. Also, remember that SDL2 still defaults to X11 backend, so make sure the SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland environment variable is set.

With LIBSUPERDERPY_EMBEDDED_ALLEGRO enabled, make sure to provide all dependencies required by Allegro. On Debian-based systems that will be:

sudo apt install build-essential cmake ninja-build git pkg-config libogg-dev libfreetype6-dev libphysfs-dev libvorbis-dev libopus-dev libtheora-dev libflac-dev libopenal-dev libwebp-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libdumb1-dev libopusfile-dev

sudo apt install libsdl2-dev # when using SDL backend
sudo apt install libx11-dev libxcursor-dev libxrandr-dev libxi-dev libpulse-dev libasound2-dev libxpm-dev libice-dev libsm-dev libxext-dev libxinerama-dev # when using X11 backend
sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev # for OpenGL on X11
sudo apt install libgles2-mesa-dev # for OpenGL ES on X11


The game is available under the terms of GNU General Public License 3.0 or later.


Animatch uses the libsuperderpy's code style guide: libsuperderpy/


A cute match three game for the Librem 5 smartphone. Mirror of







No packages published
