Plugin indicating normal/insert/prefix/copy modes. It is also available as segment for tmux-powerline.
Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager (recommended)
set -g @plugin 'dominikduda/tmux_mode_indicator'
Hit prefix + I to fetch the plugin and source it then add format string to status-right
(look at quick start section for that).
Clone the repo:
$ git clone ~/clone/path
Add this line to the bottom of .tmux.conf
run-shell ~/clone/path/tmux_mode_indicator.tmux
Reload TMUX environment:
# type this in terminal
$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
Add format string to status-right
(look at quick start section for that).
Put this in at the top of .tmux.conf
set -g status-right "#{tmux_mode_indicator}"
By default powerline characters are disabled for compatibility. If u want to enable them (an make plugin look like it looks on screens at the top) put this at the top of .tmux.conf
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_left_edge_character ""
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_separator "✤"
If you want to display something else in the right status just add it before/after #{tmux_mode_indicator}
set -g status-right '%d/%m #{tmux_mode_indicator} %H:%M:%S'
It will produce following right status (if u set powerline characters as quick start says):
You can make it colorful:
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_left_edge_character ""
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_separator "✤"
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_background "colour33"
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_right_edge_character ""
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_right_edge_character_fg "#8dc062"
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_left_edge_character_bg "#deb863"
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_after_interpolation_bg "#8dc062"
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_after_interpolation_fg "#000000"
set -g status-right "#[bg=#626262,fg=#deb863]#[bg=#deb863,fg=#000000] %d/%m #{tmux_mode_indicator} %H:%M:%S "
It will produce following right status:
For API information see customization section.
Plugin is cut on the right side? Enlarge status-right-length
set-option -g status-right-length 300
Plugin updates slowly? Set set tmux status update time (tmux-status-interval
) to 1 second.
set -g status-interval 1
- Some characters are tmux-special-characters and may not work.
- Colors can be passed in tmux format (
) of hex format (#ffffff
Change text displayed when in copy mode
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_copy_mode_text "INTERESTING PHRASE"
Change text displayed after pressing prefix
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_prefix_pressed_text "SMART WORD"
Change text displayed when in insert mode
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_insert_mode_text "CATCHY JOKE"
Change text displayed when in normal mode
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_normal_mode_text "FUNNY SAMPLE TEXT"
Change separator
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_separator "XD"
Change character displayed on left edge of the indicator
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_left_edge_character "X"
Change character displayed on right edge of the indicator (by default empty string, useful when you want to display something else after tmux_mode_indicator)
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_right_edge_character "X"
Change background color of tmux_mode_indicator
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_background "colour2"
Change background color of prefixed_pressed_text
set -g @prefixed_pressed_bg "colour2"
Change background color of copy_mode_text
set -g @copy_mode_bg "colour2"
Change color of text displayed when in copy mode
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_copy_mode_fg "#ffffff"
Change color of text displayed when prefix is pressed
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_prefix_pressed_fg "colour3"
Change default text color
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_normal_fg "#ff00ff"
Change background color of character displayed on left edge of the indicator (useful when you want to display something with specific colors after tmux_mode_indicator)
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_left_edge_character_bg "colour5"
Change separator color
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_separator_fg "colour5"
Change color of text displayed after tmux_mode_indicator (useful when you want to display something with specific colors after tmux_mode_indicator)
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_after_interpolation_fg "#ffff00"
Change background color of text displayed after tmux_mode_indicator (useful when you want to display something with specific colors after tmux_mode_indicator)
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_after_interpolation_bg "colour6"
Change background color of character displayed on right edge of the indicator (useful when you want to display something with specific colors after tmux_mode_indicator)
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_right_edge_character_bg "#ff0000"
Change color of character displayed on right edge of the indicator (useful when you want to display something with specific colors after tmux_mode_indicator)
set -g @tmux_mode_indicator_right_edge_character_fg "#colour7"