This single cell ATAC-seq pipeline includes a set of tools necessary for pre-processing ATAC-Seq libraries prepared as in (Graybuck et. al 2021).
This pipeline adapted from following study: Paper, Code and Data
- Trim Galore tool is used to remove adapters from reads.
- Trimmed and untrimmed reads are aligned to the reference using Bowtie
- Duplicates reads are deleted using Samtools.
- MACS2 is used for calling peaks within ATAC-Seq reads.
- ChipSeeker package (R) is incorporated to annotate peaks.
- Star v2.5.3
- Samtools v1.3
- Bowtie v1.1.1
- Bedtools v2.29.2
- Igvtools v2.5.3
- r-base v4.0.0
- Ucsc-wigToBigWig v377
- Macs2 v2.2.7
- Homer v4.11.0
- Trim-galore v0.6.2
- Docker: dolphinnext/graybuck2021_scatacseq_pipeline:latest
- GitHub: dolphinnext/graybuck2021_scatacseq_pipeline