Runs clouseau inside a Docker container.
If you want to build your own image instead of using the provided pre-built images at dmunch/clousea follow these instructions.
- Clone and build clouseau:
mvn package
- Clone this repository, copy the file
and the directoryclouseau/target/test-classes
to this directory. - Run
docker build -t yourimagename .
It's best used in combination with couch-dreyfus which contains a recent build of CouchDB 2.0 with the necessary dreyfus patches applied. An example can be found in docker-compose.yml.
In order to spin up a single-node CouchDB 2.0 with full-text search enabled and configured, just run:
docker-compose up
Search Faceting from Scratch [Tutorial]
Enable Full Text Search in Apache CouchDB™
Understanding Mango View-Based Indexes vs. Search-Based Indexes
Open-Sourcing IBM Cloudant’s CouchDB Search Integration with Lucene