Hi there 👋, if you've got some mutation-based data you want to view on an interactive 3D protein structure, you're in the right place! dms-viz
is a tool that helps you take quantitative data associated with mutations to a protein and analyze that data with intuitive visual summaries and an interactive 3D protein structure. Visualizations created with dms-viz
are intended to be flexible, customizable, and shareable.
If you're already familiar with dms-viz
and want to use it with your data, check it out here. If you're familiar with the concept of dms-viz
, but you aren't familiar with how to use it, check out the documentation.
Understanding how mutations impact a protein's functions is valuable for many biological questions. High-throughput techniques such as deep-mutational scanning (DMS) have greatly expanded the number of mutation-function datasets. For instance, DMS has been used to determine how mutations to viral proteins affect antibody escape, receptor affinity, and essential functions such as viral genome transcription and replication.
The mutation-based data generated by these approaches is often best understood in the context of a protein’s 3D structure; for instance, to assess questions like how mutations that affect antibody escape relate to the physical antibody binding epitope on the protein. However, current approaches for visualizing mutation data in the context of a protein’s structure are often cumbersome and require multiple steps and software. To streamline the visualization of mutation-associated data in the context of a protein structure, we developed a web-based tool, dms-viz
. With dms-viz
, users can straightforwardly visualize mutation-based data such as those from DMS experiments in the context of a 3D protein model in an interactive format.
- Flexible Inputs
Our command-line tool, configure-dms-viz
, helps streamline data formatting by facilitating the integration of data from different sources into a singular, universal JSON
specification file. Moreover, configure-dms-viz
helps you define custom filters and tooltips, and identify common errors.
- Customizable Visualizations
We've designed dms-viz
with customization in mind. You can tailor the appearance of the protein structure to fit your needs. Furthermore, you can extend the tool's functionality with custom filters, tooltips, colors, and more.
- Shareable URLs
If your data is hosted online (e.g. in a GitHub repository), you can share your data with URLs that automatically load the visualization while keeping your settings. However, if you don't want to host your data online, you can still use dms-viz
with locally stored .json
If you're convinced that dms-viz
is the tool for you, get started by checking out the Quick Start guide in the documentation.