- af2c49e Initial commit
- 87fb056 Update README.md
- c7a9086 Update README.md
- a5f5032 ci: add goreleaser
- 7f51dee ci: try and fix homebrew
- e4d91d1 feat: add help footer
- 2e2c071 feat: add more context lines when scrolling
- de68cd4 feat: delta conf + scrolling
- 8a5d6d0 feat: dir icons
- 70f0b54 feat: do not use side-by-side for additions/removals
- aea1bf2 feat: expand/collapse file tree
- 5436202 feat: file + status icons
- e5926eb feat: file header
- a0ed62b feat: filetree and diffviewer
- 8e6f109 feat: header
- 0c3fa73 feat: read input from stdin
- 5e0c900 feat: scroll the file tree for diffs with many files
- ea5ccdb feat: sort directories first
- 0ff2d5c feat: truncate filenames
- f5e4c82 fix: dir name truncation
- 56528e4 fix: don't scroll diff on j/k
- 0bca3ca fix: root files
- b44d1e8 fix: strip ansi in case input contains it
- b993287 fix: trees with multiple roots
- ef41f3e refactor: rename module to diffnav
- b6ec8fe style: better folder icon
- 153f08e style: slight changes