The chrome-apps-serialport JavaScript module is a
Chrome Apps-compatible implementation of the
module used for serial communication.
This library was created to provide Chrome Apps (including NW.js) interoperability for libraries
already depending on the node-serialport
module for serial communication (e.g. johnny-five
, etc.).
The main use case for this library is to simplify usage of Johnny-Five and Firmata inside NW.js.
While node-serialport
can be used within NW.js, it needs to be specifically recompiled. This can
prove to be troublesome. This library bypasses this problem by using the chrome.serial
API which
is already available in NW.js (via the builtin support for the Chrome Apps APIs).
The chrome-apps-serialport module also fixes a
long-standing issue in NW.js that must be dealt with in
order to successfully use the serial port. This means that, if you use this module, you do not need
to bother importing the nwjs-j5-fix
module. It will be
taken care of for you.
npm install chrome-apps-serialport
const SerialPort = require("chrome-apps-serialport").SerialPort;
let port = new SerialPort("/dev/tty-usbserial1", {
baudrate: 57600
const SerialPort = require("chrome-apps-serialport").SerialPort;
const Firmata = require("firmata-io")(SerialPort);
const five = require("johnny-five");
SerialPort.list().then(ports => {
const device = ports.find(port => {
return port.manufacturer && port.manufacturer.startsWith("Arduino")
const board = new five.Board({
io: new Firmata(device.path)
board.on("ready", () => {
console.log("Johnny-Five is ready!");
const led = new five.Led(13);
board.on("close", () => console.log("Closed!"));
The chrome-apps-serialport
module is a repackaging of
(created by
Glen Arrowsmith). This module was working great until API changes were
introduced in version 8 of node-serialport
. These changes forced dependent projects to update
which, in turnm broke compatibility with browser-serialport
. Since browser-serialport
has not
been updated in many years, I packaged chrome-apps-serialport
to insure compatibility with the
latest version of node-serialport
Unless you are using very specialized functionalities (see below), you should be able to use
wherever node-serialport
v8.x+ is used. Obviously, this is only true if
you are executing the code within a Chrome App or NW.js.
Due to the underlying architecture (chrome.serial
), there are a few differences that should be
The connection options are a little bit different:
- dataBits: 7, 8
- stopBits: 1, 2
- parity: 'none', 'even', 'mark', 'odd', 'space'
- flowControl: 'RTSCTS'
- highWaterMark: ignored
- lock: ignored
- xon, xoff, xany: ignored
Parsers are not implemented.
method is not implemented. -
method can be called but will not do anything. This also means that nodrain
events are ever dispatched. -
Only UTF8 is supported when passing strings to the
method. -
Error messages differ.