A MongoDB-based cron job scheduler for Dart.
- Schedule jobs using cron syntax (use Cronitor if you're not familiar with cron syntax)
- Persist jobs in MongoDB
- Callbacks for various cron events (start, stop, idle, error)
Processing speed can be reduced when more and more documents are added into the collection. We can maintain the speed by creating the following indexes:
await _collection.createIndex(key: 'name', unique: true);
await _collection.createIndex(keys: {'sleepUntil': 1, 'name': 1});
Take a look at the example for a complete example.
import 'package:mongo_cron/mongo_cron.dart';
import 'package:mongo_dart/mongo_dart.dart';
void main() async {
final db = await Db.create('mongodb://localhost:27017/your_database');
await db.open();
final config = MongoCronConfig(
database: db,
onStart: (MongoCron cron) async {
print('MongoCron started');
onStop: (MongoCron cron) async {
print('MongoCron stopped');
onIdle: (MongoCron cron) async {
print('MongoCron is idle');
onError: (dynamic error, MongoCron cron) async {
print('Error occurred: $error');
if (!db.isConnected) {
print('MongoDB disconnected—reconnecting...');
await db.close();
await db.open();
print('MongoDB reconnected');
onJobStart: (Job job) async {
'${DateTime.now().toIso8601String()} Job started: ${job.name} #${job.id}');
onJobComplete: (Job job) async {
'${DateTime.now().toIso8601String()} Job complete: ${job.name} #${job.id}');
final mongoCron = MongoCron(config);
// Add a job
await mongoCron.addJob(
cronExpression: '*/5 * * * *',
name: 'job1',
handler: (Job job) async {
print('Executing job ${job.id} with data: ${job.data}');
jobData: {'message': 'Hello, World!'},
await mongoCron.start();
// You can add more jobs while it's running
await mongoCron.addJob(
cronExpression: '* * * * *',
name: 'job2',
handler: (Job job) async {
print('Second job');
// Run for while
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 30));
// Stop the cron
await mongoCron.stop();
await db.close();