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Laravel Twig

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Allows you to use Twig in Laravel.


  • PHP >= 8.0
  • Laravel >= 9.x


You can install the package via composer:

composer require dinhquochan/laravel-twig

If you don't use auto-discovery, add the Service Provider to the providers array in config/app.php


If you want to use the facade to extended twig extensions, add this to your facades in app.php:

'Twig' => \DinhQuocHan\Twig\Facades\Twig::class,

So, we will use Artisan to add the new twig config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="DinhQuocHan\Twig\TwigServiceProvider"


You call the Twig template like you would any other view:

// Normal (template.html.twig or template.css.twig or template.twig)
return view('template', ['some_variable' => 'some_values']);

// With vender namespace
return view('vendor_namespace::template', $data);

Read more in Twig for Template Designers or Laravel Views.

Extending Twig

Laravel Twig allows you to define your own custom filters, functions, globals, token parsers or extensions.

The following example creates a {{ product.price|money_format }} filter which formats a given $product->price:

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider

    public function boot()
        Twig::addFilter(new TwigFilter('money_format', function ($price) {
            return sprintf('%d %s', number_format($price), 'US$');

Available methods:

  • Twig::addGlobal(string $name, $value) Creating a global
  • Twig::addFilter(\Twig\TwigFilter $filter) Creating a filter
  • Twig::addFunction(\Twig\TwigFunction $function) Creating a function
  • Twig::addTest(\Twig\TwigTest $test) Creating a test
  • Twig::addTokenParser(\Twig\TokenParser\TokenParserInterface $parser) Creating a token parser
  • Twig::addExtension(\Twig\Extension\ExtensionInterface $extension) Creating a extension

Read more in Twig for Template Designers.

Built-in Laravel Extensions

  • \DinhQuocHan\Twig\Extensions\Arr::class
  • \DinhQuocHan\Twig\Extensions\Auth::class
  • \DinhQuocHan\Twig\Extensions\Config::class
  • \DinhQuocHan\Twig\Extensions\Dump::class
  • \DinhQuocHan\Twig\Extensions\Gate::class
  • \DinhQuocHan\Twig\Extensions\Path::class
  • \DinhQuocHan\Twig\Extensions\Request::class
  • \DinhQuocHan\Twig\Extensions\Session::class
  • \DinhQuocHan\Twig\Extensions\Str::class
  • \DinhQuocHan\Twig\Extensions\Translator::class
  • \DinhQuocHan\Twig\Extensions\Url::class


  • array_*, data_*, head, last
  • auth, auth_check, auth_guest, auth_user, auth_guard
  • config, config_get, config_has
  • dump, dd
  • can, cant, cannot, allows, denies
  • *_path, mix
  • request, request_has, request_exists, request_filled, request_input, request_query, request_is, current_url, current_full_url, current_full_url_with_query, old
  • session, session_has, session_get, session_put, session_pull, session_forget, csrf_token, csrf_field, method_field
  • str_* (All the Str::* methods, snake_case, camel_case, studly_case, kebab_case)
  • __, trans, trans_choice
  • action, asset, url, route, secure_url, secure_asset


  • *_path, mix
  • str_* (All the Str::* methods, snake_case, camel_case, studly_case, kebab_case)
  • __, trans, trans_choice
  • action, asset, url, route, secure_url, secure_asset

Global variables:

  • app: the Illuminate\Foundation\Application::class object


composer test


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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.