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Type-level & seamless command-line argument parsing for Scala


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Type-level & seamless command-line argument parsing for Scala

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The code snippets below assume that the content of caseapp is imported,

import caseapp._

Parse a simple set of options

case class Options(
  user: Option[String],
  enableFoo: Boolean = false,
  file: List[String]

  Seq("--user", "alice", "--file", "a", "--file", "b")
) == Right((Options(Some("alice"), false, List("a", "b")), Seq.empty))

Required and optional arguments

All arguments are required by default. To define an optional argument simply wrap its type into Option[T].

Optional arguments can also be defined by providing a default value. There are two ways to do that:

  • providing default value ad hoc in the case class definition
  • defining default value for a type with Default type class
case class Options(
  user: Option[String],
  enableFoo: Boolean = false,
  file: List[String] = Nil

CaseApp.parse[Options](Seq()) == Right((Options(None, false, Nil), Seq.empty))


Some arguments can be specified several times on the command-line. These should be typed as lists, e.g. file in

case class Options(
  user: Option[String],
  enableFoo: Boolean = false,
  file: List[String]

  Seq("--file", "a", "--file", "b")
) == Right((Options(None, false, List("a", "b")), Seq.empty))

If an argument is specified several times, but is not typed as a List (or an accumulating type, see below), the final value of its corresponding field is the last provided in the arguments.

Whole application with argument parsing

case-app can take care of the creation of the main method parsing command-line arguments.

import caseapp._

case class ExampleOptions(
  foo: String,
  bar: Int

object Example extends CaseApp[ExampleOptions] {

  def run(options: ExampleOptions, arg: RemainingArgs): Unit = {
    // Core of the app
    // ...


Example in the above example will then have a main method, parsing the arguments it is given to an ExampleOptions, then calling the run method if parsing was successful.

Automatic help and usage options

Running the above example with the --help (or -h) option will print an help message of the form

Usage: example [options]
  --foo  <value>
  --bar  <value>

Calling it with the --usage option will print

Usage: example [options]

Customizing items of the help / usage message

Several parts of the above help message can be customized by annotating ExampleOptions or its fields:

case class ExampleOptions(
  @HelpMessage("the foo")
    foo: String,
  @HelpMessage("the bar")
    bar: Int

Called with the --help or -h option, would print

MyApp 0.1.0
Usage: my-app-cli [options]
  --foo  <foo>: the foo
  --bar  <bar>: the bar

Note the application name that changed, on the first line. Note also the version number appended next to it. The program name, after Usage: , was changed too.

Lastly, the options value descriptions (<foo> and <bar>) and help messages (the foo and the bar), were customized.

Extra option names

Alternative option names can be specified, like

case class ExampleOptions(
    foo: String,
    bar: Int

--foo and -f, and --bar and -b would then be equivalent.

Long / short options

Field names, or extra names as above, longer than one letter are considered long options, prefixed with --. One letter long names are short options, prefixed with a single -.

case class ExampleOptions(
  a: Int,
  foo: String

would accept --foo bar and -a 2 as arguments to set foo or a.

Pascal case conversion

Field names or extra names as above, written in pascal case, are split and hyphenized.

case class Options(
  fooBar: Double

would accept arguments like --foo-bar 2.2.

Reusing options

Sets of options can be shared between applications:

case class CommonOptions(
  foo: String,
  bar: Int

case class First(
  baz: Double,
    common: CommonOptions
) {

  // ...


case class Second(
  bas: Long,
    common: CommonOptions
) {

  // ...



case-app has a support for commands.

sealed trait DemoCommand

case class First(
  foo: Int,
  bar: String
) extends DemoCommand

case class Second(
  baz: Double
) extends DemoCommand

object MyApp extends CommandApp[DemoCommand] {
  def run(command: DemoCommand, args: RemainingArgs): Unit = {}

MyApp can then be called with arguments like

my-app first --foo 2 --bar a
my-app second --baz 2.4
  • help messages
  • customization
  • base command
  • ...


Needs to be updated

Some more complex options can be specified multiple times on the command-line and should be "accumulated". For example, one would want to define a verbose option like

case class Options(
  @ExtraName("v") verbose: Int

Verbosity would then have be specified on the command-line like --verbose 3. But the usual preferred way of increasing verbosity is to repeat the verbosity option, like in -v -v -v. To accept the latter, tag verbose type with Counter:

case class Options(
  @ExtraName("v") verbose: Int @@ Counter

verbose (and v) option will then be viewed as a flag, and the verbose variable will contain the number of times this flag is specified on the command-line.

It can optionally be given a default value other than 0. This value will be increased by the number of times -v or --verbose was specified in the arguments.

User-defined option types

Needs to be updated

Use your own option types by defining implicit ArgParsers for them, like in

import caseapp.core.argparser.{ArgParser, SimpleArgParser}

trait Custom

implicit val customArgParser: ArgParser[Custom] =
  SimpleArgParser.from[Custom]("custom") { s =>
    // parse s
    // return
    // - Left(a caseapp.core.Error instance) in case of error
    // - Right(custom) in case of success

Then use them like

case class Options(
  custom: Custom,
  foo: String

Migration from the previous version

Shared options used to be automatic, and now require the @Recurse annotation on the field corresponding to the shared options. This prevents ambiguities with custom types as above.


Add to your build.sbt

resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")
libraryDependencies += "com.github.alexarchambault" %% "case-app" % "2.0.0-M3"

Note that case-app depends on shapeless 2.3. Use the 1.0.0 version if you depend on shapeless 2.2.

It is built against scala 2.10, 2.11, and 2.12, and 2.13.0-M1, and supports both scala-js and scala-native.

If you are using scala 2.10.x, also add the macro paradise plugin to your build,

libraryDependencies +=
  compilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % "2.0.1" cross CrossVersion.full)


See the full list of contributors on GitHub.

See also

Eugene Yokota, the current maintainer of scopt, and others, compiled an (eeextremeeeely long) list of command-line argument parsing libraries for Scala, in this StackOverflow question.

Unlike scopt, case-app is less monadic / abstract data types based, and more straight-to-the-point and descriptive / algebric data types oriented.


Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Alexandre Archambault and contributors. See LICENSE file for more details.

Released under Apache 2.0 license.


Type-level & seamless command-line argument parsing for Scala







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