A developer-friendly WordPress-plugin for adding customizable reactions (likes, hearts, dislikes, shrugs or whatever you feel like) to your content.
Use shortcode [air-reactions]
in your content or call hook air_reactions_display
on your template file
do_action( 'air_reactions_display', [] );
It will echo the reaction container with default buttons where called. You can specify the reaction types using 'air_reactions_types' filter.
Available parameters are:
'echo' => (bool),
'types' => (array),
'post_id' => (int),
This will return the markup for reacting the post id '5' with only hearts
'echo' => false,
'post_id' => 5,
'types' => [ 'heart' ],
Same as a shortcode (echoing is always disabled in shortcode):
[air-reactions types="heart" post_id="5"]
Prefix comment id with comment-
to enable reaction for a comment
[ 'post_id' => 'comment-' . $comment->comment_ID, ]
Set false to not load reaction styles from plugin, if you are going to write them in your theme
Default: true
add_filter( 'air_reactions_load_default_styles', '__return_false' );
Liking is allowed only on these post types.
Default: [ 'post', 'page', 'comment' ]
add_filter( 'air_reactions_post_types', function( (array) $post_types ) {
return [ 'post', 'page' ];
} );
If this is set to true
, only logged in users can react. On default mode where everyone can react, use localstorage and FingerprintJS to set browser fingerprints to reaction events and save the reactions to the posts only. If limited to logged in users only, reactions will be saved to user meta to allow users to react once per post.
Default: false
add_filter( 'air_reactions_require_login', function( (bool) $require_login ) {
return true;
} );
You can use any capability recognized by current_user_can()
Default: read
add_filter( 'air_reactions_capability', function( (string) $capability ) {
return 'read';
} );
add_filter( 'air_reactions_count_post_reactions', function( (array) $post_reactions, (int) $post_id, (string) $meta_key ) {
// Do something
return $post_reactions;
} )
'heart' => [
'icon_path' => plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ ) . 'svg/heart.svg',
'texts' => [
'reaction' => __( 'Love this post', 'air-reactions' ),
'amount_pre' => __( 'Loved', 'air-reactions' ),
'amount_post' => __( 'times', 'air-reactions' ),
'like' => [
'icon_path' => plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ ) . 'svg/thumbs-up.svg',
'texts' => [
'reaction' => __( 'Like this post', 'air-reactions' ),
'amount_pre' => __( 'Liked', 'air-reactions' ),
'amount_post' => __( 'times', 'air-reactions' ),
'dislike' => [
'icon_path' => plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ ) . 'svg/thumbs-down.svg',
'texts' => [
'reaction' => __( 'Dislike this post', 'air-reactions' ),
'amount_pre' => __( 'Disliked', 'air-reactions' ),
'amount_post' => __( 'times', 'air-reactions' ),
add_filter( 'air_reactions_types', function( (array) $default_types ) {
return [
'heart' => [
'icon_path' => get_theme_file_path( 'svg/heart.svg' ),
'texts' => [
'reaction' => 'Love this post',
'amount_pre' => 'Loved',
'amount_post' => 'times',
You can use this to build your own reaction item, just remember to add data-attributes like in the original, the javascript depends entirely on those. Feel free to modify the structure and classes etc.
add_filter( 'air_reactions_reaction_item', function( (string) $output, (string) $key, (array) $item ) {
// Do something
return $output;
You can change the markup or add wrapper etc. Just remember to add data-attributes like in the original, the javascript depends entirely on those.
add_filter( 'air_reactions_container_start', function( (string) $output, (array) $args, (bool), (int) $current_user_id ) {
// Do something
return $output;
add_filter( 'air_reactions_container_start', function( (string) $output, (array) $args, (bool), (int) $current_user_id ) {
// Do something
return $output;
add_filter( 'air_reactions_login_required_message', function() {
return 'Login to like this';
Reaction items are queried from DOM and initialized once after page has loaded. You can check for new reaction items, for example after loading content from AJAX, by simply triggering the event initAirReactions
const event = new Event('initAirReactions');