A basic example of implementing ingress into an Istio service mesh, with a demonstration of canary based policy which utilises labels on a multi-versioned microservice, which has been deployed within the Istio service mesh.
[1] https://istio.io/docs/reference/config/istio.networking.v1alpha3/
[2] https://istio.io/blog/2018/v1alpha3-routing/
I've developed and tested this using Docker for Mac, with the Kubernetes local cluster enabled. It is available here. These instructions/tooling should also work with Minikube, however I have not tested yet.
nginx/haproxy to enable a single origin to prevent CORS complaints when web-app accesses the backend. associated steps are implemented in the
contained in this repo, instructions below. -
NVM installed and configured in the shell.
To start the presentation alone run the following:
nvm install
nvm use
npm install
npm run start
make install
Add the following to your /etc/hosts to faciliate domain resolution which will be used for requesting content from the service mesh, running on your local machine within docker-for-desktop.
... webapp.demo api.demo grafana.demo kiali.demo tracing.demo
The end-to-end install can be started by running:
make install.demo
In order to install Istio we run the below command. What this will do is deploy the Istio control plane via Helm, there are a range of flags added to add in the additional observability tooling as part of the deployment
make istio.intall
With the namespace labelled, the below deployment will have side-cars added and consequently be augmented into the mesh.
These are deployed in the development
namespace. This namespace has been labeled with istio-injection=enabled
, consequently the admissionMutatingWebhook
will modify the deployment resource to include an istio side-car in the deployment.
make deploy.demo
This will apply the related Istio CRD's to faciliate ingress into the mesh to the required microservices. You can see these polices in policy/istio within this repo.
Open a browser and hit http://localhost:3000, and we are ready to roll.
The observability tooling such as Jaeger, Grafana, Prometheus, and Kiali will be deployed as part of the make istio-install
command. However, in order to enable ingress to these services we need to deploy some Ingress
policies to enable this connectivity.
This can be achieved with the following make command:
make istio.observability
If you've added the required /etc/hosts
configuration. These services will be available at the the following ${HOSTNAME}:${NODE_PORT}
. Example:
In order to stimulate the given backend microservices and the Istio service mesh, we can generte some Siege
traffic via the following command:
make traffic
This will generate many requests to the http://api.demo
host, and we should see this traffic coming in via the myriad of observability tooling made available in the previous step.