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Diego Nieto Cid edited this page Mar 13, 2015 · 3 revisions

#Design and Implementation

This document is not complete.


The main design requirement was that the only knowledge to write the protocol format specification should be the knowledge about the protocol itself.

Which means that the protocol format specification language:

  • Should be as isolated as possible from the Wireshark plugin interface.
  • Should resemble the language the protocol is documented in.

Without writting an interpreter for a DSL, the Lua language is a much better choice than C as it reduces the implementation effort. The performance is much lower, though.

The plugin should also be as general as needed for dissecting different protocols.

General Idea

The plugin execution model is based on the instruction fetch-execute cycle used by general purpose processors. When Wireshark calls the dissect entry point the plugin runs some bootstrapping code and starts executing instructions.

Instuctions may be fetched from three memory regions:

  • Header: contains instructions to decode the header of each packet and jump to the appropiate block of instructions to decode the rest of the packet.
  • Server: contains instructions to decode packets originated at the server.
  • Client: contains instructions to decode packets originated at the client.

Each instruction in a block has access to a sequential buffer where the raw packet is stored and an associative temporal memory from where it can read data stored by previous instructions or write data which will be used later. The execution of an instruction may advance the buffer's cursor or it may only look at the data without advancing it.

Most instructions allow to describe a piece of the packet by assigning a label and displaying its value inside Wireshark's details pane. Thus they are named after the underlying data type. There are also some instructions providing limited control flow:

  • Field Description: uint16, posixtime, stringz, ipv4, ...
  • Control Flow: when, iterator.

The Implementation

Instructions are implemented as an object that provides the IInstruction interface:

IInstruction {
    dissect (c: Context)

where the dissect method implements the desired effect of the instruction.

Memory regions are implemented as a table of blocks of instructions indexed by the packet identification number of the packet each block describes:

  • Server: SPacketDescription table located at spacket.lua.
  • Client: CPacketDescription table located at cpacket.lua.

The Header region is integrated into the core as the concept of a program counter is not implemented yet. It is processed in the boostrapping code and then the selected Server or Client block is executed linearly from beginning to end.

A Server region with only one block that prints a greeting message when called, assuming its id is 1, may thus look like this:

SPacketDescription = {
    [1] = { dissect = function (self, context) info("Hello World!") end }

Due to the dynamic nature of the Lua language the instruction set is not fixed and new instructions suitable to the needs of the protocol being dissected may be created. However for easy of use it is recommended to define constructor functions that return an instance of a predefined type of instruction.

The predefined set of instructions available in packet-bnetp that implements field description and control flow is shown in the following figure:

Instruction Set

Instruction's constructors are named after its class name. The specification of a packet format then looks like the following example:

    Message ID:    0x72
    Direction:     Server -> Client (Received)
    Used By:       Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Warcraft III
    Format:        (DWORD) Cookie
                   (DWORD) Clan Tag
                   (STRING) Clan Name
                   (STRING) Inviter's username
                   (BYTE) Number of users being invited
                   (STRING) [] List of users being invited
   Remarks:       Received when a user is inviting you to create a new clan on
   Related:       [0x72] SID_CLANCREATIONINVITATION (C->S)
    uint32("Cookie", base.HEX),
    uint32("Clan Tag"),
    stringz("Clan Name"),
    stringz("Inviter's username"),
    uint8{label="Number of users being invited", key="users"},
    iterator{refkey="users", label="Invited users", repeated={