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Compiles the Rost language to a Python stack machine backend.

Demo (Web assembly backend)


  • Recursive descent parser
  • AST representation
  • IR representation
  • Scoping of variables
  • Type checking
  • Generics
  • Error handling and reporting
  • LSP server
  • Builtin functions (externals)
  • Builtin types
  • Function calls
  • Function definitions
  • Compilation to Python stack machine
  • Compilation to Webassembly
  • Compilation to Assembly
  • Custom types (structs)
  • Loops
  • If statements
  • Trait system
  • Broken code parsing
  • Import files
  • Package system


Python backend

cargo run --bin main && python build/

WebAssembly backend

cargo run --bin main -b wasm && ./

You may pass a compilation level argument, e.g. cargo run --bin main parsed to see intermittent representations of the code.


Errors (CLI)

fn my_func(in: int) {}


CleanShot 2024-09-26 at 11 05 04

LSP Server

  • VS Code extension
  • Hover support
  • Goto declaration/definition support
  • Code action (quick fix) support

Generic type errors

Multi-error support

Parser error

Lexer error


Example program (Python backend)

__builtin fn printf(format: str, ...args: any);

fn add_two_things<T>(format: str, a: T, b: T) {
	let c: T = a + b;

	printf(format, a, b, c);

let a: int = 1;
let c: int = 5;

let strvar = "abc";

	"%i + %i = %i\n",

	"%s + %s = %s\n",
Python backend output
# boilerplate_start begin

import sys

def __compiler__with_regular_args(func):
    def wrapper(*args):
        n_args = __stack.pop()
        args = [__stack.pop() for i in range(n_args)]

    return wrapper

def __builtin__printf(format, *args):
    sys.stdout.write(format % args)

__stack = []
__global_data = []
__global_variables = {}

def __intrinsic__stack_add():
    a = __stack.pop()
    b = __stack.pop()
    __stack.append(a + b)

def __intrinsic__stack_mul():
    a = __stack.pop()
    b = __stack.pop()
    __stack.append(a * b)

def __intrinsic__stack_push(value):

def __intrinsic__stack_pop():
    return __stack.pop()

# boilerplate_start end

# Builtin function: printf
def __userf__9():
# User function: add_two_things
def __userf__10():
	_5_format = __intrinsic__stack_pop()
	_6_a = __intrinsic__stack_pop()
	_7_b = __intrinsic__stack_pop()
	_8_c = __intrinsic__stack_pop()
	# Procedure call: printf


# Builtin function: printf
def __userf__15():
# User function: add_two_things
def __userf__16():
	_11_format = __intrinsic__stack_pop()
	_12_a = __intrinsic__stack_pop()
	_13_b = __intrinsic__stack_pop()
	_14_c = __intrinsic__stack_pop()
	# Procedure call: printf


def __setup():
	global __global_data
	__global_data = list(range(4))
	__global_data[0] = "abc"
	__global_data[1] = "%i + %i = %i\n"
	__global_data[2] = "def"
	__global_data[3] = "%s + %s = %s\n"

def __main():
	_2_a = __intrinsic__stack_pop()
	_3_c = __intrinsic__stack_pop()
	_4_strvar = __intrinsic__stack_pop()
	# Procedure call: add_two_things
	# Procedure call: add_two_things


# boilerplate_exit begin

def __push_init_args():
    import sys

    args = [

    for arg in args:


if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys


    status = __main()

    print("stack", __stack)


# boilerplate_exit end

Example program (WebAssembly backend)

__builtin fn print_raw(content: str, length: int);

print_raw("hejsan\n", 12);
WebAssembly backend output
	;; boilerplate_entry.wat begin

    ;; Imports from JavaScript namespace
    (import  "imports"  "print_raw" (func  $print_raw (param  i32  i32))) ;; Import log function
    (import  "js"  "mem" (memory  1)) ;; Import 1 page of memory (54kb)

;; boilerplate_entry.wat end
	;; Global data section begin
	(data (i32.const 0) "hejsan\n")

	;; Function definitions begin
	;; Builtin function: 'print_raw' aliasing to '$print_raw'

	;; Main function definition
	(func $__main
		i32.const 12
		i32.const 0
		;; Builtin call: print_raw
		call $print_raw
	(export "__main" (func $__main))
	;; boilerplate_exit.wat begin
;; boilerplate_exit.wat end

IR representation project

I want to create a good IR representation which fulfills the following requirements:

  • Should be able to transpile into Python, C, Assembly, and WebAssembly
  • Should contain debug information to provide runtime error hints


Easy example

This means we need to store global variables in the IR representation.

fn main() {
	let a = 1 + 2;
	let b = a + 3 * 4;

	printf("%i %i", a, b);
global_vars = ["%i %i\n"]
instructions = [
	Push(Int(1), Int),
	Push(Int(2), Int),
	Assign(Var(0), Int),
	Push(Int(3), Int),
	Push(Int(4), Int),
	Assign(Var(1), Int),
	Push(Var(1), Int),
	Push(Var(0), Int),
	Push(GlobalVar(0), String),
	BuiltinFunction("printf", 3),
import sys
def __builtin__printf(format, *args):
	sys.stdout.write(format % args)

stack = []

def __intrinsic__stack_add():
	_1 = stack.pop()
	_2 = stack.pop()
	stack.append(_1 + _2)

def __intrinsic__stack_mul():
	_1 = stack.pop()
	_2 = stack.pop()
	stack.append(_1 * _2)

def __intrinsic__stack_push(value):

def __intrinsic__stack_pop():
	return stack.pop()

def __instrinsic__stack_callf(func, n_args):
	args = [stack.pop() for i in range(n_args)]

_global_vars = {
	'_g1': "%i %i\n",

def main():
	_0_a = __intrinsic__stack_pop()

	_1_b = __intrinsic__stack_pop()

	__intrinsic__stack_callf(__builtin__printf, 3)
	__intrinsic__stack_pop() # Discard the return value
.section .data
fmt_string:   .asciz  "%i %i\n"

	.section .text
	.global main
	.extern printf

	# a = 1 + 2
	mov     $1, %eax        # Move the constant 1 into EAX
	add     $2, %eax        # Add 2 to EAX, EAX now holds a = 1 + 2

	# Store result of a in a temporary place on the stack
	mov     %eax, -4(%rsp)  # Store a at offset -4 from the stack pointer (SP)

	# b = a + 3 * 4
	mov     $3, %ebx        # Move 3 into EBX
	imul    $4, %ebx        # Multiply EBX by 4 (EBX = 3 * 4)
	add     %ebx, %eax      # Add the result to a (currently in EAX)

	# Store result of b in another temporary place on the stack
	mov     %eax, -8(%rsp)  # Store b at offset -8 from the stack pointer (SP)

	# Prepare the arguments for printf ("%i %i", a, b)
	mov     -4(%rsp), %esi  # Load a into ESI (second printf argument)
	mov     -8(%rsp), %edi  # Load b into EDI (third printf argument)
	lea     fmt_string(%rip), %rdi  # Load the address of the format string into RDI

	# Call printf
	call    printf

	# Exit the program
	mov     $0, %eax        # Return 0 from main

With debug information

This means we need to store the actual variable names, position, and code in the IR representation.

fn main() {
	let a = [1, 2, 3];

	printf("%i", a[3]); // Error: Index out of bounds
import sys
def __builtin__printf(format, *args):
	sys.stdout.write(format % args)

_global_vars = {
	'_g1': [1, 2, 3],
	'_g2': "%i\n",

def main():
	_1 = _global_vars['_g1'];	# a
	_2 = 3;
	if _2 >= len(_1):
		raise Exception("Index out of bounds exception: 'a[3]' main.rost:4:19")
	_3 = _1[_2];	# b
	__builtin__printf(_global_vars['_g2'] % (_3))

With structs

This means we need to store the actual structure data in the IR representation.

struct Person {
	name: char[8],
	age: int,

fn main() {
	let p = Person {
		name: "John\0",
		age: 30,

	printf("%s %i",, p.age);
import sys
def __builtin__printf(format, *args):
	sys.stdout.write(format % args)

_global_vars = {
	'_g1': "John\0",
	'_g2': "%s %i\n",

class _s1_Person:
	def __init__(self, _1_name, _2_age):
		self._1_name = _1_name
		self._2_age = _2_age

def main():
	_1_p = _s1_Person(_global_vars['_g1'], 30);
	__builtin__printf(_global_vars['_g3'] % (_1_p._1_name, _1_p._2_age))

With functions

fn add(a: int, b: int) -> int {
	return a + b;

fn main() {
	let a = add(1, 2);
	let b = add(a, 3);

	printf("%i %i", a, b);
global_vars = ["%i %i\n"]
functions = [
	BuiltInFunction("printf", Varargs(Args([String]), Any), Void),
	Function("add", [Int, Int], Int, [
		Assign(1, Param(0)),
		Add(1, Param(1)),
instructions = [
	Assign(1, FunctionCall(0, [Int(1), Int(2)])),
	Assign(2, FunctionCall(0, [Var(1), Int(3)])),
	FunctionCall("printf", [GlobalVar(0), Var(1), Var(2)]),
import sys
def __builtin__printf(format, *args):
	sys.stdout.write(format % args)

_global_vars = {
	'_g1': "%i %i\n",

def _f1_add(_a1_a, _a2_b, _debug_info):
		_1 = _1a_a
		_1 += _2a_b
		raise Exception(f"Error in function '{_debug_info["function_name"]}' at line {_debug_info["line"]}")

	return _1

def main():
	_1_a = _f1_add(1, 2);		# a
	_2_b = _f1_add(_1_a, 3);	# b
	__builtin__printf(_global_vars['_g1'], _1_a, _2_b)

With loops

fn main() {
	let a = 0;
	while a < 10 {
		printf("%i\n", a);
		a = a + 1;
import sys
def __builtin__printf(format, *args):
	sys.stdout.write(format % args)

_global_vars = {
	'_g1': "%i\n",

def main():
	_1_a = 0;
	while _1_a < 10:
		__builtin__printf(_global_vars['_g1'] % (_1_a))
		_1_a = _1_a + 1


Run the nasm code

Build Docker file


Run the NASM code

./ first-argument second-argument


Integer arguments: RDI/RSI/RDX/RCX/R8/R9

Float arguments: XMM0..XMM7