My name is Darvesh Gorhe and I'm currently a Staff Associate II in the Jovanovic Lab at Columbia University. The lab focuses on proteomics and systems biology questions using tools like immunoprecipitation-mass spectrometry (IP-MS), size-exclusion chromatography (SEC-MS), and phospho-enriched mass spectrometry. I'm the primary bioinformatics person in the lab so I help with data analysis, automated pipelines (Snakemake, Nextflow, etc), utilizing Columbia's high performance computing (HPC) resources, and algorithm design for new types of experiments. You can learn more about the lab here.
🔭 I’m currently working on several things. A lot of my day job stuff is private because it's either pending publication or in a nascent phase of research. Apart from that I'm working on a mobile app called Literacy Pathways and a maps website called
🌱 I’m currently learning a lot of React, TypeScript, and JavaScript for a mobile app I'm helping to develop called Literacy Pathways.
📫 How to reach me: [email protected] or my X handle (@darveshgorhe)!