Download the latest version of KarotzPhp and add the Karotz
to your PSR-0 autoloading system, or simply require the autoload.php
"require": {
"karotz/karotz": ">=1.0.0-alpha"
use Karotz\Karotz;
$kz = new Karotz('Interactive ID');
try {
// Make flash your Karotz LED in red
$response = $kz->ledPulse('FF0000', 500, 500);
// Test the response
if ($response->getStatus())
echo "Rabbit flashs red light!";
echo $response->getCode().": ".$response->getDescription();
} catch(\Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
To run, the Karotz REST API needs an Interactive ID, which is reset every 15 minutes. Check the official documentation to know how retrieve this ID. KarotzPhp is not involved in managing the life cycle of the Interactive ID, but provides a way to get it with the signed START method:
use Karotz\Karotz;
$kz = new Karotz();
// Open a session and save the Interactive ID in the Karotz object
$response = $kz->start('install ID', 'API key', 'secret key');
Work in progress... waiting for some test
- Any flavor of PHP 5.3 should do
- Jeremy Perret [email protected]
- Thierry Geindre [email protected]
KarotzPhp is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details