##Getting Started
- Fork this repository
- Clone this repository from your personal Github account:
- Copy the SSH address on the page.
- From you DevLeague folder, run the command
$ git clone [SSH address]
in your terminal in order to clone this repository into that folder (you don't need to type the "$"; this is the command prompt, and is used to signify your terminal is ready for commands).
- From your terminal, navigate into theLegends assignment
$ cd theLegends
- Create the project set-up:
- create the following directories: css and js
- create the following files: index.html, a styles.css file in your css directory and a app.js file in your js directory
- Open your project in your text-editor and smoke test the following:
- set up your html file and run your live-server
- connect your styles.css to your html file
- connect your app.js to your html file
- Your assignment is to use the data from the data.txt file and render it into the browser.
- Create classes for both of your html elements. The address data will be children (nested) of the name data
- Style up your page with some css