Calls styler to scan
R files for instances of class = ""
and generate the
corresponding CSS.
This is inspired from Tailwind and meant to be used when the latter cannot be used, like in Shiny applications which already import Bootstrap.
You can install the development version of style like so:
# install.packages("remotes")
If you have styler installed that version is used, otherwise it falls back on the provided executable.
If you have go installed run style::install()
to install
This is recommended to make sure you get the latest version.
# file in app/ directory
ui <- fluidPage(
class = "lg:border-radius-4 border-radius-2 border-red-400 border-width-1 sh-lg p-x-2 p-y-4",
h1("Hello, style!", class = "text-size-8 hover:text-teal-600")
server <- \(...){}
shinyApp(ui, server)
Then run
style::style(dir = "app", file = "www/style.min.css")
Read more on styler and how it works.
There is a roxygen2 roclet for use in shiny applications as package, e.g.: with golem or leprechaun
First, add the roclet to your DESCRIPTION
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE, roclets = c("collate", "namespace", "rd", "style::roclet_style"))
Then use the @style
tag in your files.
By default the tag will parse the file it is placed in and
generate the CSS in a file of the same name in inst
, e.g.:
placing @style
in a R/ui.R
will generate the CSS in inst/ui.min.css
It accepts two arguments, first the named of the desired file to generated
(relative to inst/
), e.g.: @style assets/styles.min.css
The second argument is a boolean passed to style()
Example file
#' UI
#' @style
#' @keywords internal
ui <- \(req){
# ...
You can use generate_dependency
to generate the code to import the generated style.
#> generate_dependency("ui.R")
This is intended for modules so you can create individual CSS files for each module.