The present project involves the implementations of graphics to display business information of a Cafeteria.
- Ruby & Rails version
- Ruby & Rails Gems
- Incorporating Bootstrap
- Defining the models
- Populating the database
- Incorporating the graphics
- ruby '2.6.1'
- gem 'rails', '~> 5.2.6'
gem "faker", "~> 2.19"
gem "chartkick", "~> 4.0"
gem "groupdate", "~> 5.2"
gem "bootstrap", "~> 5.1"
gem "jquery-rails", "~> 4.4"
In the Gemfile is added:
# gemfile.rb
gem "bootstrap", "~> 5.1"
gem "jquery-rails", "~> 4.4"
Then, called from the JavaScript manifest:
// application.js
//= require jquery3
//= require popper
//= require bootstrap
And called from the stylesheets:
/* dashboard.scss */
@import 'bootstrap';
As it can be seen above, the relation it is a has_many association and the models are generated as it follows:
rails g model Coffe name price:integer origin blend
rails g model Sale amount:integer coffe:references
In the models the relation is added as:
class Coffe < ApplicationRecord
has_many :sales
class Sale < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :coffe
It is checked in the Rails console as:
Also, the controller is generated as:
rails g controller Dashboard index
With the help of the Faker Gem, the database is populate as it follows:
From the console:
bundle add faker
Then the dummy data is generated:
# seeds.rb
30.times do
price: rand(1990..5490),
origin: Faker::Coffee.origin,
blend: Faker::Coffee.blend_name
200.times do
Sale.create(amount: rand(2000..10000),
coffe_id: rand(,
created_at: Faker::Date.between(from: 1.year.ago, to:
Again, from the console:
rails db:seed
The main gems needed for the graphics are added:
gem "chartkick", "~> 4.0"
gem "groupdate", "~> 5.2"
Then, called from the js manifest:
//= require chartkick
//= require Chart.bundle
//= require highcharts
First, the charts are defined in the controller as it follows:
# controllers/dashboard_controller.rb
class DashboardController < ApplicationController
def index
# 1. Chart with the month's sales of the last 12 months
@sales_group_by_month = Sale.group_by_month(:created_at).sum(:amount)
# 2. Chart with the month sales quantity of the last 12 months
@sales_group_by_month_count = Sale.group_by_month(:created_at).count
# 3. Chart with the average month sales of the last 12 months
@sales_group_by_month_average = Sale.group_by_month(:created_at).average(:amount)
# 4. Pie chart with the sales quantity according to the coffee origin:
@sales_count_by_origin_12m = Coffe.joins(:sales).where('sales.created_at > ? ', 1.year.ago).group(:origin).count
@sales_count_by_origin_6m = Coffe.joins(:sales).where('sales.created_at > ? ', 6.month.ago).group(:origin).count
@sales_count_by_origin_3m = Coffe.joins(:sales).where('sales.created_at > ? ', 3.month.ago).group(:origin).count
@sales_count_by_origin_1m = Coffe.joins(:sales).where('sales.created_at > ? ', 1.month.ago).group(:origin).count
# 5. Pie chart with the sales quantity according to the blend of coffee:
@sales_count_by_blend_12m = Coffe.left_outer_joins(:sales).where('sales.created_at > ?', 1.year.ago).group(:blend).count
@sales_count_by_blend_6m = Coffe.left_outer_joins(:sales).where('sales.created_at > ?', 6.month.ago).group(:blend).count
@sales_count_by_blend_3m = Coffe.left_outer_joins(:sales).where('sales.created_at > ?', 3.month.ago).group(:blend).count
@sales_count_by_blend_1m = Coffe.left_outer_joins(:sales).where('sales.created_at > ?', 1.month.ago).group(:blend).count
And finally, these are called from the index as:
# dashboard/index.html
<%= column_chart @sales_group_by_month %>
<%= column_chart @sales_group_by_month_count %>
<%= column_chart @sales_group_by_month_average %>
<%= pie_chart @sales_count_by_origin_12m %>
<%= pie_chart @sales_count_by_origin_6m %>
<%= pie_chart @sales_count_by_origin_3m %>
<%= pie_chart @sales_count_by_origin_1m %>
<%= pie_chart @sales_count_by_blend_12m %>
<%= pie_chart @sales_count_by_blend_6m %>
<%= pie_chart @sales_count_by_blend_3m %>
<%= pie_chart @sales_count_by_blend_1m %>