C++ driver for Adafruit 16x2 character LCD shield (based on HD44780 LCD unit connected to MCP23017 I2C interface) using the Linux i2c-dev library - this code is mainly a port of the Adafruit Arduino code:
Built for Jetson Xavier (though with minor changes, it should be possible to adapt it to other Linux systems which use the i2c-dev library)
This driver can be used with either the Arduino or Raspberry Pi version, and with either the monochrome or RGB LCD unit.
i2c-dev I2C library
MCP23017 driver (included in /src directory, see also https://github.com/dehavenm/MCP23017)
Copy contents of /src directory into project folder. See makefile in /example directory for compiling.
Wire the +5v, ground, I2C data, and I2C clock pins of the LCD shield to your device (see pinout for Arduino or Rasberry Pi) - ignore all other pins, as only those four are actually used.
void CharLCD::CharLCD(int bus, int address)
Creates an object representing an LCD shield, using the specified I2C bus and address. On the Jetson Xavier, the options for I2C bus are 1 and 8. The default address of the MCP23017 chip is 0x20.
void CharLCD::start(uint8_t cols, uint8_t lines)
Initializes the LCD with a specified number of columns and lines (16 and 2 for the most common Adafruid LCD shield), and starts I2C communication.
void CharLCD::clearDisplay()
Clears the display and sets the cursor position to (0,0).
void CharLCD::home()
Sets the cursor position to (0,0).
void CharLCD::setCursor(uint8_t col, uint8_t row)
Sets the cursor position to a specified column and line (zero index).
void CharLCD::display()
void CharLCD::noDisplay()
Turns the display on or off.
void CharLCD::cursor()
void CharLCD::noCursor()
Turns the underline cursor on or off.
void CharLCD::blink()
void CharLCD::noBlink()
Turns the blinking cursor on or off.
void CharLCD::setBacklight(uint8_t status)
Sets the backlight color (enter 0x00 to turn the backlight off). When using the RGB LCD, possible values are RED, YELLOW, GREEN, TEAL, BLUE, VIOLET, or WHITE. For a monochrome LCD, enter WHITE to turn the backlight on.
void CharLCD::print(std::string text)
Writes text to the LCD screen. The LCD text input is based on ASCII, so the string used must be ASCII formatted.
uint8_t CharLCD::readButtons(void)
Returns the status of all five buttons contained in an 8-bit integer value, with each the five least significant bits representing one button (1 for pressed, 0 for not pressed). See example code lcd.cpp in /example folder for commands to get the status of each individual button.