Usage: Set the required values in the script
- LOCAL_RPC = "localhost:26657" - RPC of your validator node
- TRUSTED_API = "" - Reliable API service
- VALOPER = "" - Your valoper address
- ADDRESS = "" - Your key address
- HEX_ADDRESS = "" - Your Hex Address (you can get this address in popular explorers)
- CRITICAL_BLOCKS_GAP = 25 - The maximum number of blocks by how much it is permissible to lag behind
- CRITICAL_PEERS_COUNT = 5 - Critical number of peers
- UPTIME_WINDOW = 500 - Number of blocks for uptime calculation
- TELEGRAM_TOKEN = "" - Your telegram token
- TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID = "" - Chat id for receiving messages
1,11,21,31,41,51 * * * * python3 $HOME/ >> $HOME/haqq_alarm.log 2>&1