This repo has several tutorial apps of brickyard.
Using brickyard-cli to build these software applications.
Install NodeJS 7.0.0 or above
Install brickyard-cli
npm i -g brickyard-cli
Angular2 tutorial is a copy of offical Heroes tutorial. It uses webpack-dev-server. And There is no other web container. So we can use the brickyard watch mode to run the code.
brickyard build tutorial-angular2-plan --dir build-angular2 --watch
Then visit http://localhost:8080/
React tutorial is an app based on the offical tutorial(repo). It has an api server. So we can use the brickyard build and run cmd.
brickyard build tutorial-react-plan --dir build-react --run
Then visit http://localhost:8080/
The React Native tutorial is an app based on this tutorial. It uses react-native-web to simulate the native env so that the code can run in browser.
brickyard build tutorial-react-native-plan --dir build-react-native --watch
Then visit http://localhost:8080/
To run in mobile, we need to setup the react-native environment and do some manual copy job.
This repo has several vue tutorials which is based on vuex. They use webpack-dev-server. And There is no other web container. So we can use the brickyard watch mode to run the code.
Use http://localhost:8080/ to visit what we built.
brickyard build tutorial-vue-counter --dir build-vue-counter --watch
brickyard build tutorial-vue-counter-hot --dir build-vue-counter-hot --watch
brickyard build tutorial-vue-shopping-cart --dir build-vue-shopping-cart --watch
brickyard build tutorial-vue-todo --dir build-vue-todo --watch
brickyard build tutorial-vue-chat --dir build-vue-chat --watch