is intended to run as a service, it connects to [owserver] and pushes the defined devices to MQTT
A running owserver and a mqtt-broker (e.g: mosquitto) are required to use this deamon.
- install a broker like mosquitto
apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients
- install software
apt-get install python-ow python-pip python-enum
pip install paho-mqtt
cd /usr/local/src
git clone onewireToMqtt
cd onewireToMqtt
cp config.xml.sample config.xml
cp onewire-to-mqtt.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl enable onewire-to-mqtt.service
vi config.xml
systemctl start onewire-to-mqtt.service
- edit config to your needs
- map your onewire devices to topics
<topic id="28.53111A000000" property="PIO.0" type="ON_OFF">heating/requestSwitch</topic>
<topic id="21.00CDA0050000" property="temperature" type="FLOAT">heating/returnTemperature</topic>
<topic id="15.A10066000000" property="counter.A" type="INTEGER">basement/totalElectricMeterPuls</topic>
- if you want init some devices with defined values on startup
<device id="simultaneous" property="temperature">1</device>
<device id="21.46A781000003" property="power">1</device>
check if it is working
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -u username -P password -v -t '#'
onewire/get/heating/requestSwitch ON
onewire/get/heating/returnTemperature 23.55
onewire/get/basement/totalElectricMeterPuls 5436
if you want to set values
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -u username -P password -t onewire/set/heating/requestSwitch -m OFF
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -u username -P password -t onewire/set/heating/returnTemperature -m 22.5
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -u username -P password -t onewire/set/basement/totalElectricMeterPuls -m 54355
if you want to init all devices
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -u username -P password -t onewire/set/init -m true
if you are usinf openHAB2 to read and write values
- install binding mqtt and edit services/mqtt.cfg
- define items
Item itemHeatingRequestSwitch {mqtt=">[broker:onewire/set/heating/requestSwitch:*:default], <[broker:onewire/get/heating/requestSwitch:*:default]", autoupdate="true"}
Item itemHeatingReturnTemperature {mqtt="<[broker:onewire/get/heating/requestSwitch:*:default]"}
a self explaining sample configuration file is included copy config.xml.sample to config.xml
the following libraries are required by
- python-ow
- python-pip
- python-enum
- paho-mqtt
install with
apt-get install python-ow python-pip python-enum
pip install paho-mqtt