Quicknotes plugin for Neovim.
Create a Quicknote in a floating window, and save it on your computer to be picked up later. The Quicknote supports Markdown format.
If, like me, you are someone that always needs to note down stuff when working on a project, then this plugin may be for you!
-- >>> The following are optionals, to enable lazy loading
keys = { "<leader>qn" },
cmd = { "Quicknotes", "QuicknotesClear", "QuicknotesCleanup" }, -- Lazy-load the plugin
-- <<<
config = function()
-- Custom keymap
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>qn", vim.cmd.Quicknotes, { desc = "Open quicknotes" })
The following are the default configuration settings for the plugin:
-- Local directory where all the quicknotes will be stored
quicknotes_dir = utils.path_join({ os.getenv("HOME"), ".local/state/nvim/quicknotes/" }),
-- Window configuration
window = {
-- width and height represent the relative size of the floating window
width = 0.5,
height = 0.6,
relative = "editor",
style = "minimal",
-- Specify border style
border = "rounded",
-- Title
title = "📝 Quicknotes",
title_color = "#FABD2F",
The notes are stored in quicknotes_dir
For a quicknote opened in /path/to/project
, the quicknote name will be path%to%project%quicknotes.md
: open quicknote for current project (create it if absent). Pressq
in normal mode to save the note and close the floating window.:QuicknotesClear
: delete the quicknote associated with current directory.:QuicknotesCleanup
: cleanup the quicknotes directory - delete the quicknotes associated with directories that are not anymore on the current system or any file not following the naming scheme insidequicknotes_dir