MPC Control algorithm
Takes state of the JetBot and the path
Outputs angular velocities on the two wheels
Generate desired path for the JetBot
Takes obstacle map, start position, end position
Outputs sequence of coordinates of the optimal path
Correspond to the pathfinding algorithm section in the report, include test code for different algorithms
Video frame calibration, get JetBot state, get desired position
Takes detected ArUco tag information and board_size
get_state(calibrated corners and ids, board_size) (returns state of JetBot as np array [x, y, theta])
get_desired_pos(calibrated corners and ids, board_size) (returns target position as np array [x, y])
calib_frame(original frame, normal corners and ids, board_size) (returns calibrated img and homograph matrix)
Generate obstacle map for A*
Takes calibrated frame
Outputs 2D np array of 0s and 1s, 0 being occupied space, 1 bing free space
generate_map(calibrated frame) (returns the obstacle map)