A Mathsjam puzzle posed in May 22
This a jupyter notebook to better understand what is going on
# all the possible rolls
possible_values = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
# the weighted distribution of them
distribution = [1 , 4 , 10 , 12 , 9 ]
probabilities = [x/sum(distribution) for x in distribution]
# Keep a history of what we actually rolled
actual_distribution = [0] * 5
# For each partition we want to assign the best probable choice
priority = [5,4,6,3,2]
# ignore results over this many rolls
max_rolls = 35
# number of cards to do for each layout
# number of competition rounds
competition_rounds = 100000
import collections
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
card_layouts = []
# it seems to perform better if the rolls are pre-determined
number_of_rolls_up_front = 1000000
rolls_up_front = np.random.choice(possible_values, number_of_rolls_up_front, p=probabilities)
roll_index = 0
def partition(number):
""" Return all the partitions of 5 """
answer = set()
answer.add((number, ))
for x in range(1, number):
for y in partition(number - x):
answer.add(tuple(sorted((x, ) + y, reverse=True)))
return answer
def roll_the_dice():
""" Return a dice roll and record what is was """
global roll_index, rolls_up_front
# we might need more along the way
if roll_index >= number_of_rolls_up_front:
roll_index = 0
rolls_up_front = np.random.choice(possible_values, number_of_rolls_up_front, p=probabilities)
r = rolls_up_front[roll_index]
roll_index += 1
actual_distribution[r-2] += 1
return r
class CardLayout:
def __init__(self, layout):
self.layout = layout
self.test_results = None
def add_test_results(self):
results = [0] * (max_rolls + 1)
# run it for a given number of solo games
for i in range(sample_size):
# initialise the card from the template layout (one of the 7)
# and roll count
card = self.layout.copy()
roll_count = 0
# Bingo when our card is all zero entries
# or quit if over the roll limit
while roll_count < max_rolls and sum(card) > 0:
# roll the dice
rolled = roll_the_dice()
roll_count += 1
# mark the card
if card[rolled - 2] > 0:
card[rolled - 2] -= 1
# Bingo ?
if sum(card) == 0:
results[roll_count] += 1
# only want from 5 to max_rolls
results = results[5:max_rolls+1]
# convert to %
results = [r*100/sample_size for r in results]
self.test_results = results
def setup():
""" Create all 7 card layouts from the partitions of 5 and set the starting amounts based on
the priority of the distribution. i.e. largest partition gets the best probability
for layout in partition(5):
card_layout = [0] * 5
for i,n in enumerate(layout):
p = priority[i]
card_layout[p-2] = n
def run_competition(rounds=1000):
""" Simulate a competition between all 7 layouts
# initialise the roll distribution
dice_rolls = np.random.choice(possible_values, number_of_rolls_up_front, p=probabilities)
# store how many wins for each card layout
results = [0] * len(card_layouts)
p = -1
for _ in range(rounds-1):
cards = [card.layout.copy() for card in card_layouts]
bingo = False
while not bingo:
# get the next dice roll
if p >= number_of_rolls_up_front:
p = -1
dice_rolls = np.random.choice(possible_values, number_of_rolls_up_front, p=probabilities)
p += 1
rolled = dice_rolls[p]
# mark all the cards
for i in range(len(cards)):
card = cards[i]
if card[rolled - 2] > 0:
card[rolled - 2] -= 1
cards[i] = card
# stop if a card has won
if sum(card) == 0:
bingo = True
# possibly more than 1 winner ?
for i, card in enumerate(cards):
if sum(card) == 0:
results[i] += 1
return results
expected_distribution_pct = [x*100/sum(probabilities) for x in probabilities]
actual_distribution_pct = [x*100/sum(actual_distribution) for x in actual_distribution]
actual_distribution_36 = [x*36/sum(actual_distribution) for x in actual_distribution]
%matplotlib inline
print("Expected distribution", expected_distribution_pct)
print("Actual distribution", actual_distribution_pct)
x = np.arange(len(possible_values)) # the label locations
width = 0.35 # the width of the bars
# Report the distrubition of rolls
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))
b1 = plt.bar(x - width/2, distribution, width, label='Expected')
b2 = plt.bar(x + width/2, actual_distribution_36, width, label='Actual')
plt.bar_label(b1, padding=6)
plt.bar_label(b2, padding=6)
plt.title(f"Roll distribution (total rolls={sum(actual_distribution):,})")
plt.xticks(x, possible_values)
plt.ylabel(f"Out of 36")
Expected distribution [2.7777777777777777, 11.11111111111111, 27.77777777777778, 33.33333333333333, 25.0]
Actual distribution [2.777303192548298, 11.103493169659362, 27.806812328635818, 33.32178177669963, 24.99060953245689]
labels = list(range(5, max_rolls+1))
x = np.arange(len(labels)) # the label locations
line_colours = []
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8))
for i,card in enumerate(card_layouts):
p = plt.plot(labels,card.test_results, label = card.layout, linewidth=5)
plt.legend(loc=1, prop={'size': 20})
plt.title(f"Sample size = {sample_size:,} (i.e. each layout tested this number of times)")
plt.xlabel("Number of rolls taken")
plt.ylabel(f"% of the sample ({sample_size:,})")
%matplotlib inline
competition_results = run_competition(competition_rounds)
competition_results_pct = [x*100/sum(competition_results) for x in competition_results]
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 4))
b=plt.bar([str(c.layout) for c in card_layouts],competition_results_pct, color=line_colours)
plt.title("All vs All Winners")
plt.xlabel("Card Layout")
plt.ylabel(f"% of the rounds won ({competition_rounds:,})")
plt.bar_label(b, padding=6)