What you have here is a set of extensions for the StackExchange.Redis Redis client that allows for interacting with version 2.x of the RediSearch Redis module.
Support for the RedisJson "JSON" data type is in place for those of you running RediSearch 2.2+ with RedisJson 2.0+.
NRediSearch is woefully behind in terms of support for the latest functionality for the RediSearch module. That's not meant as a slight against the StackExchange team that maintains that package, it's simply not a priority for them. I thought, why not break out a brand new package that isn't coupled to the main StackExchange.Redis project.
So here we are.
- Installation
- Sample Data
- Creating an Index
- Updating Index Schema
- Deleting and Index
- Index Aliases
- Executing a Query
- Executing an Aggregation
- Auto-Complete Suggestions
- Spell Check
- Tag Values
- Synonyms
PM> Install-Package RediSearchClient
Just need some sample data to play with? Hey, we've all been there.
Included in this repository is a small console application that will load a local Redis instance with two sample datasets and create two samples indexes and an auto-suggest dictionary for you to mess around with.
You can load the sample data by following these steps:
Ensure that you have a Redis instance running (with the RediSearch 2.x module loaded). See the RediSearch Quick Start if you don't already have that.
Clone this repository.
Execute the following command from within the root of the cloned repository:
dotnet run --project .\RediSearchClient.SampleData\RediSearchClient.SampleData.csproj
And that's pretty much it!
I suggest before writing any code you play around with query language using the sample data/indexes that we just loaded using a tool like RedisInsight which has support for the RediSearch (and a few others) module.
Where appropriate the following examples will use the sample data and indexes that are provided by the RediSearchClient.SampleData
Creating an index is done by using the RediSearchIndex
builder to create an index definitions and then invoking the CreateIndex
or CreateIndexAsync
extension method.
The following is an example of creating a search index based on the "hash" data type.
var indexDefinition = RediSearchIndex
x => x.Text("ZipCode", sortable: false, nostem: true),
x => x.Text("City", sortable: true),
x => x.Text("State", sortable: true, nostem: true),
x => x.Geo("Coordinates"),
x => x.Numeric("TimeZoneOffset"),
x => x.Numeric("DaylightSavingsFlag")
await _db.CreateIndexAsync("zipcodes", indexDefinition);
If your deployment of RediSearch supports JSON based indexes you can define one by specifying the .OnJson
builder method when initiating the remainder of the builder. The following example is pulled from the sample data project and demonstrates how to define a JSON based index.
var indexDefintion = RediSearchIndex
x => x.Text("$.Id", "Id"),
x => x.Text("$.FirstName", "FirstName", sortable: true),
x => x.Text("$.Surname", "LastName", sortable: true),
x => x.Numeric("$.BornSeconds", "Born", sortable: true),
x => x.Numeric("$.DiedSeconds", "Died", sortable: true),
x => x.Text("$.BornCountry", "BornCountry"),
x => x.Text("$.BornCountyCode", "BornCountryCode"),
x => x.Text("$.DiedCountry", "DiedCountry"),
x => x.Text("$.DiedCountryCode", "DiedCountryCode"),
x => x.Text("$.DiedCity", "DiedCity"),
x => x.Text("$.Gender", "Gender"),
x => x.Numeric("$.Prizes[*].YearInt", "YearAwarded"),
x => x.Text("$.Prizes[*].Category", "AwardCategory"),
x => x.Text("$.Prizes[*].Share", "AwardSharedWith"),
x => x.Text("$.Prizes[*].Motivation", "Motivation"),
x => x.Text("$.Prizes[*].affiliations[*].name", "InstitutionName"),
x => x.Text("$.Prizes[*].affiliations[*].city", "InstitutionCity"),
x => x.Text("$.Prizes[*].affiliations[*].country", "InstitutionCountry")
The only field types that RediSearch supports are "Text", "Tag", "Numeric", and "Geo". No dates and times.
If you need to store and query date/time data I suggest you convert it to a numeric value and index it that way.
The sample "movies" index does this with the "Released" field. The value in that field represents the number of seconds that have elapsed since DateTime.MinValue
. Why not use the standard "Unix epoch"?! There's nothing stopping you from doing that, it's just a number. In this specific case however, some of the movies in the index were released before 1970 so you'd have negative values in your index. Still not a deal breaker, but it'd require extra handling later (I think).
Here are a couple of helper methods that you could use to convert a DateTime back and forth to seconds:
public static double ToSeconds(DateTime dateTime) =>
(dateTime - DateTime.MinValue).TotalSeconds;
public static DateTime FromSeconds(double seconds) =>
The following is what a query involving a date range might look like, again using the sample "movies" index...
// Movies released in 1982.
var startDate = new DateTime(1982, 1, 1);
var endDate = startDate.AddYears(1);
var query = RediSearchQuery
.UsingQuery($"@Released:[{ToSeconds(startDate)} {ToSeconds(endDate)}]")
var result = _db.Search(query);
var movies = result.Select(x =>
new {
Key = x.DocumentKey,
Title = (string)x["Title"],
Released = FromSeconds((double)x["Released"])
Depending on how your index is defined (JSON or Hash) you can use the AlterHashSchema(Async)
or AlterJsonSchema(Async)
methods to expand the index's schema definition.
Previously we had the method AlterSchema(Async
but I decided to deprecate that in favor of the more specific methods. The reason for separate methods is each type of index uses a different kind of field builder.
Let's take a look at an example where I'm adding a TEXT field and a GEO field to an existing hash based index.
await _db.AlterHashSchemaAsync("existing_index",
fb => fb.Text("NewTextField", noindex: true),
fb => fb.Numeric("NewNumericField", sortable: true)
The following is an example of using AlterJsonSchemaAsync
await _db.AlterJsonSchemaAsync("existing_json_index",
fb => fb.Text("$.newTextField, "NewTextField", noindex: true),
fb => fb.Numeric("$.newNumericField", sortable: true)
Deleting an index is done by using the DropIndex
or DropIndexAsync
extension method.
await _db.DropIndexAsync("name_of_the_index");
If you attempt to delete an index that doesn't exist a RedisServerException
will be thrown.
Should you want to delete all of the associated hash documents (the things that RediSearch indexed) from Redis along with the search index, you can provide a value to the optional parameter dropDocumentHashes
await _db.DropIndexAsync("name_of_the_index", deleteDocumentHashes: true);
Index aliases can be very useful. A common scenario would be where you have a search index whos documents are updated on a schedule (let's say twice a day). If our program leveraged the non-aliased index name, it's possible that twice a day it would be searching partially updated data. However, if the program treated the indexes as "transient" and created a new one for each refresh, we could leverage aliases to ensure your application is always querying the latest, fully populated index.
Keep in mind, an index can have multiple aliases, but you cannot create an alias that refers to another alias.
Adding an alias (AddAlias
or AddAliasAsync
await _db.AddAliasAsync("alias_of_the_index", "name_of_index_being_aliased");
When you're ready to reassign an alias to a new index (UpdateAlias
or UpdateAliasAsync
await _db.UpdateAliasAsync("alias_of_the_index", "name_of_a_new_index");
And finally, if you want to delete an alias (DeleteAlias
or DeleteAliasAsync
await _db.DeleteAliasAsync("alias_to_delete");
Searching an index is done by using the RediSearchQuery
builder to create a RediSearch query and then executing the query using the Search
or SearchAsync
extension method.
var queryDefinition = RediSearchQuery
var result = await _db.SearchAsync(queryDefinition);
The result from the above query against the sample zipcodes
index will yield an instance of the SearchResult
class. The SearchResult
class is an implementation of IEnumerable<SearchResultItem>
. Each instance of SearchResultItem
represents a "row" in the result set, and gives you access to the Redis key as well as a dictionary of the stored fields for the search result.
The following example demonstrates handling the result
from the "Executing a Query" sample above and projecting it into an anonymous type:
var result = await _db.SearchAsync(queryDefinition);
var floridaZipcodes = result.Select(x =>
// This index defines "Coordinates" as "Geo" however when they are
// returned they come back as a string. So we have to do a little
// bit of post processing here.
var coordinates = ((string)x["Coordinates"]).Split(",");
return new
ZipCode = (string)x["ZipCode"],
City = (string)x["City"],
State = (string)x["State"],
Latitude = double.Parse(coordinates[1]),
Longitude = double.Parse(coordinates[0]),
TimeZoneOffset = (int)x["TimeZoneOffset"],
DaylightSavingsFlag = (bool)x["DaylightSavingsFlag"]
See this documentation for defining a type mapping.
With the appropriate mapping defined you can now map the result like...
var result = await _db.SearchAsync(queryDefinition);
var mappedResult = result.As<ZipCode>();
The variable mappedResult
will be of type IEnumerable<ZipCode>
Executing an aggregation is a lot like doing a standard search, except we'll be using the RediSearchAggregateQuery
builder in order to create the aggregation query and then using the Aggregate
or AggregateAsync
extension methods to invoke the actual aggregation.
The following example demonstrates
var zipCodeCountByProximity = RediSearchAggregateQuery.On("zips")
.Query("@Coordinates:[-87.320330 30.423090 10 mi]")
.GroupBy(gb =>
.SortBy(sb =>
sb.Field("@City", Direction.Ascending);
sb.Field("@Count", Direction.Descending);
var result = await _db.AggregateAsync(zipCodeCountByProximity);
The result from the above aggregation query of the zip code data in the sample zipcodes
index will yield an instance of the AggregateResult
class. The AggregateResult
class is an implementation of the IEnumerable<AggregateResultCollection>
. The AggregateResultCollection
is an abstraction on top of a collection of KeyValuePair<string, RedisResult>
which gives us the ability to easily access the fields for each "row" in the result set.
The following example demonstrates handling the result
from the "Executing an Aggregation" sample above and projecting it into an anonymous type:
var result = await _db.AggregateAsync(zipCodeCountByProximity);
var cityZipCodes = result.Select(x => new
City = (string)x["City"],
Count = (int)x["Count"]
See this documentation for defining a type mapping.
With the appropriate mapping defined you can now map the result like...
var result = await _db.AggregateAsync(zipCodeCountByProximity);
var mappedResult = result.As<CityCount>();
The variable mappedResult
will be of type IEnumerable<CityCount>
RediSearch includes the ability to maintain a special index or dictionary for the purposes of creating suggestions based on input.
The sample data project included in this repository will populate an auto-complete suggestion dictionary with city names as the string to index and the coordinates in longitude,latitude format as the payload.
In order to populate an auto-complete suggestion dictionary you'll use the AddSuggestion
or AddSuggestionAsync
extension methods.
The following is an example of adding an entries to the cities
auto-complete suggestion dictionary:
await db.AddSuggestionAsync("cities", "Pensacola", 1, payload: "-87.275772,30.61428");
In the above example notice that I'm providing the optional payload
parameter. The auto-complete suggestion dictionary gives us the opportunity to store a little bit of additional data, so in this case I'm storing the coordinates of the city.
Querying an auto-complete suggestion dictionary is pretty straight forward as it only requires calling the GetSuggestions
or GetSuggestionsAsync
method with the name of the dictionary and the partial term that we're searching for...
var suggestions = await _db.GetSuggestionsAsync("cities", "pensac");
By default, we will get a maximum of five results back. In order to expand that, we can provide the optional max
parameter with the number of results that we want...
var suggestions = await _db.GetSuggestionsAsync("cities", "pensac", max: 15);
We can further augment our query by providing the following optional parameters:
: Will perform a "fuzzy" search for terms within a Levenshtein distance of 1.withScores
: Will populate the score of a match in the result of the query.withPayload
: Will populate the payload of a match in the result of the query.
Should it become necessary, we also have the ability to remove terms from an auto-complete suggestion dictionary.
The following is an example of removing an entry...
await _db.DeleteSuggestionAsync("cities", "Destin");
RediSearch gives us the ability to "spell check" our queries. This is useful when a query is being executed based on user input. If the initial query yields no results we can use the spell check functionality to get suggestions to either return to the user or to use when re-executing the query.
For more information about the spelling correction functionality see the official documentation here.
The SpellCheck
and SpellCheckAsync
methods can accept a query definition or a plain string-based query.
Consider the following examples:
// Passing in the query directly...
var result = await _db.SpellCheckAsync("simple_movie_index", "@Title:ghustbosters @Genre:{Fantasy}", 4);
// Passing in the query definition from the query builder...
var query = RediSearchQuery
.UsingQuery("@Title:ghustboster @Genre:{Fantasy}")
var result = await _db.SpellCheckAsync(query, 4);
The results come back in the form of array of SpellCheckResult
Each SpellCheckResult
contains a property labeled Term
which describes the word being spell checked. The next property is Suggestions
which is an array of Suggestion
classes containing a suggestion and a score for the suggestion.
That being said, if we wanted to load the first suggestion for a specific term, we could do something like the following:
var result = await _db.SpellCheckAsync(query, distance: 4);
var titleSuggestion = result?["ghustbosters"]?
In the above example, I'm using null propagation because if there are no suggestions for a given query we wouldn't want a runtime exception would we?
The following method will return a value tuple with the movieName
and the released
year. If the movieName
provided isn't found the method will invoke the SpellCheck
command, grab the first suggestion and recursively call itself with the suggested @Title
, returning once a match is found or spell check yields no results.
public (string movieName, long released) FindReleaseYear(string movieName)
var query = RediSearchQuery
.Return("Title", "Released")
var result = _db.Search(query);
if (result.Any())
var match = result.Select(x => new
Title = (String)x["Title"],
Released = (long)x["Released"]
return (match.Title, match.Released);
var spellCheckResult = _db.SpellCheck(query, 2);
var suggestion = spellCheckResult?[movieName]?
if (suggestion == null)
return ("No Matches", 0);
return FindReleaseYear(suggestion);
Dictionaries can be used to include and exlude terms from potential spell check results.
For more information about this functionality, see the official documentation.
To create a new dictionary or add to an existing dictionary you'll use the AddToDictionary
or AddToDictionaryAsync
var result = await _db.AddToDictionaryAsync("test_dictionary", "super", "cool", "example", "term");
The result
in the above example will be equal to the number of terms that were added to the dictionary. ie If the dictionary didn't contain the words "super", "cool", "example", and "term" then the result would be 4
In order to remove terms from a dictionary you'll use the DeleteFromDictionary
or DeleteFromDictionaryAsync
var result = await _db.DeleteFromDictionaryAsync("test_dictionary", "example");
Just like adding to a dictionary, the result here will be an integer representing the number of terms affected (or in this case deleted).
If you want to examine the contents of an existing dictionary you'll use the DumpDictionary
or DumpDictionaryAsync
var result = await _db.DumpDictionaryAsync("test_dictionary");
The result will be an array of strings representing all of the terms that exist in the dictionary. If you provide the name of a dictionary that doesn't exist you'll encounter a RedisServerException
with a message of "could not open dict key".
In order leverage a custom dictionary with your call to spell check you'll create an instance of the SpellCheckTerm
class to specify the name of the dictionary and whether or not it should be included or excluded from analysis.
You can pass one or more dictionaries into the SpellCheck
or SpellCheckAsync
var testDictionary = new SpellCheckTerm
DictionaryName = "test_dictionary",
Treatment = TermTreatment.Include
var result = await _db.SpellCheckAsync(query, testDictionary);
The above call to SpellCheckAsync
will include terms from the "test_dictionary" in its analysis.
For information on handling the result from SpellCheckAsync
check this out.
When you are defining a schema, one of the field types available to you is the TAG
field type. This field type allows for exact-match queries against values like categories or primary keys.
RediSearch gives you access to enumerate all of the tag values by index and field by using the FT.TAGVALS
The following example demonstrates how to leverage the FT.TAGVALS
command with RediSearchClient by issuing the command against the sample "movies" index and the "Genre" field.
var tagValues = await _db.TagValuesAsync("movies", "Genre");
The result of the FT.TAGVALS
command is a simple, unpaged, unordered, lower-cased, stripped of whitespaces array of strings representing all of the tags applied to the specified field on the specified index.
RediSearch allows for defining synonym groups which can make your full-text queries a bit more useful. For example, if you defined a synonym group for the words "boy", "girl", "child", a search for the world "child" would also yield results for "boy" and "girl".
Defining or updating a synonym group are both done with the FT.SYNUPDATE
For the RediSearchClient you'll use the UpdateSynonyms
or UpdateSynonymsAsync
For example...
await _db.UpdateSynonymsAsync("sample_index", "example_group_id", "boy", "girl", "child");
In order to retrieve previously defined synonyms you'd execute the FT.SYNDUMP
command with the name of the index that the synonymn groups were defined on.
var result = await _db.DumpSynonymsAsync("sample_index");
The result is an array of SynonymGroupElement
objects which define the synonym and the synonym groups that the synonym belongs to.