Fullstack Golang application that handles the budget of Datasektionen.
Live at budget.datasektionen.se.
API documentation can be found here: Look down
(gets all CCs)
(gets all SCC given CC id)
name type data type description CCid
required int ($int64) The id of a specific Cost Centre
(gets all Budget Lines given SCC id)
name type data type description SCCid
required int ($int64) The id of a specific Secondary Cost Centre
"BudgetLineName":"Mat till planeringsmöten",
"BudgetLineComment":"Ny för i år, 4"
Each entry in the system consists of the following entities. There are three elementary entities in the system, Cost centres, Secondary cost centres and Budget lines.
A Cost Centre is called Resultatställe in Swedish. It can be typed as a Project (Projekt), Committee (Nämnd) or Other (Övrigt). They are the main budget divisions.
A Secondary cost centre is part of a Cost centre. It can be an event or otherwise differentiable part of the Cost centre. Each Secondary cost centre contains the Cost centre it is connected to.
A Budget line is the smallest part of a budget, belonging to a Secondary cost centre. Each Budget line centre contains the Secondary cost centre it is connected to. A Budget Line also contains the following.
The prediction of what someone expects to earn or spend. A Budget Line never has an Income and an Expense at the same time.
Account is used to assist with the bookkeeping
A Comment is used to further clarify the use of a Budget line
- Clone repo
- Install docker
- Create dockerimage:
docker compose up --build --watch
Run dockerimage
Ask Kassör for an updated budget spreadsheet or use the sample one found under web > static > budgets
Go to http://localhost:3000/admin and upload it
To be able to see resultatrapport, you need to ask dsys for a database dump of cashflow and then write:
docker compose exec -iT cashflow-db pg_restore --no-owner -U cashflow -d cashflow -h localhost < path/to/cashflow_dump.sql
- ???
- Profit!
If you get the following error:
error getting credentials - err: exec: "docker-credential-desktop": executable file not found in $PATH, out: ``
Try renaming "credsStore" to "credStore" in ~/.docker/config.json
- Ask Douglas
- Ask dsys
- Pray