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DataJoint Documentation

This is the home for DataJoint software documentation as hosted at

Test Locally

To run locally, ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed.

Then run the following:

MODE="LIVE" HOST_UID=$(id -u) docker compose up --build

Navigate to http://localhost/ to preview the changes.

This setup supports live-reloading so all that is needed is to save the markdown files and/or mkdocs.yaml file to trigger a reload.

Linters and Settings

The following extensions were used in developing these docs, with the corresponding settings files:

  • MarkdownLinter:

    • .markdownlint.yaml establishes settings for various linter rules
    • .vscode/settings.json formatting on save to fix linting
  • CSpell: cspell.json has various ignored words.

  • ReWrap: .vscode/settings.json allows toggling automated hard wrapping for files at 88 characters. This can also be keymapped to be performed on individual paragraphs, see documentation.