[24.10] 2024-10-06
New features
- Overhaul BlueRetro rumble to support variable intensity and dual motor.
- Add support for 8bitdo NGC Modkit (See pairing guide)
Bug fixes
- Fix PS2 RE4 rumble
- Remove turbo feature from Jaguar FW as it created random input in some games. (Will be reworked in a later release)
- Ignore invalid report from PS3 controller creating glitched inputs.
- Make BLE cfg connection more reliable and faster
- Make N64 driver ignore the "BOTH" option for accessories config.
Firmware is available in 2 different flavor
1. Regular FW as before retroactively renamed HW1 (Typically for external adapter)
Use firmwares from HW1 archive for:
- WillConsole's PSUnoRetro
- All Humble Bazooka's BT dongle
- RetroTime's N64, GC & DC dongle
- RetroOnyx's VB dongle
- GrechTech's RetroRosetta
- any DIY adapter you made base on the original BlueRetro spec
- most likely anything from aliexpress
2. HW2 FW that support power management and port detection (Typically for internal install)
Use firmwares from HW2 archive for:
- Laser Bear Industries's GameCube BlueRetro Internal Adapter
- any DIY internal install you made base on the HW2 spec